In my attempt to train google to act more like ask jeeves, I googled "Are Brahmins picky eaters?" just to see if Indians have mean and nasty things to say about other Indians re: food habits. Nothing of interest turns up - just Westerners making fun of Brahmins for being 'notoriously fussy' and what's that all about?
There's definitely an
infantalizing dynamic here.
I just read about Foucault's take on the repressive hypothesis again, on how laws forbidding certain kinds of desires produce those very desires. Which isn't the same thing as saying that as soon as I say "Wearing ketchup on your head is forbidden!" everyone will start to want wearing ketchup on their head, of course - but there does seem to be this incantatory aspect to it.
I'm not clear on whether the idea of 'pickiness' - the idea that an individual has very strong, idiosyncratic opinions about what he or she cannot eat - is a thing here.
But I do think it funny that the STOP PICKY EATING article immediately calls into being the following responses:psychonurse said on 10/28/2009: I enjoyed your article! Raising 3 kids alone, and on only my paycheck, left me with preparing only one meal# supper. I was never punitive, but simply explained to 3 kids in their early teens, that this would be the last meal before breakfast --which was a long time away. AND cereal could not be a sustitute!It was amazing how brocolli became palatable quicky!
You are the parent and in charge. Fair rules are ok!
carissalecates said on 4/23/2009 I hate my dad for doing these things to me. :] Enjoy the rest of your life with your resentful children.
Annie22 said on 1/1/2009 This has to be the absolutely worst advice in regards to picky eaters. Food should be something to appreciate and enjoy and if one is forced to eat it becomes an affliction. This advice is the foundation for eating disorders/problems. I have three children who are wonderful eaters because I have never made food an issue. If they dont want it then they will go hungry, but I will not force them to eat. Which prison did this person work in.
Dalia17 said on 11/2/2008 It's sort of like saying if you force a person to do something over and over again consistently, eventually they will simply give up their free will and obey without question. Why dont you try to find out what your kids like to eat and make that? You always eat what you cook.. BECAUSE YOU PICKED THE FOOD!
Dalia17 said on 11/2/2008 This is terrible advice.
Petulant children, summoned!!