So I've finally recovered from the suckage that was today. Thanks to icon-making therapy. I made myself my default icon (which I love) and
one from some pictures Laura drew, that Sara has since stolen for her LJ. Unfortunately, I want to make many more icons, when I should be sleeping. But I'll save that for later, as I plan on going to sleep just after I finish this entry. I'm waking up at 8 tomorrow to ease back into a school schedule. That way I'll be ready(er) to wake up at 6:30 on Thursday.
My iPod is still broken. But I'm taking it to get fixed tomorrow. And I have about 3 hours worth of Tegan & Sara on my computer at least. So I won't get bored. I'm watching Firefly now though. Life is good.
To all my college friends: I feel bad about not having called you yet, tho I'm sure you're busy with whatever it is you do those first few days. I hope you're all having fun, and I totally understand if you're too busy to chat, but please don't hesistate to call me if you have the time. I keep meaning to call you all, and then I don't. But I want to hear everything! I promise!
It's been a loooong time since I last updated this thing. I've been busy between work, Fantasticks, reading, almost going insane, etc. But I apologize. Where did I leave off now?
Let's see...I'm back at my dad's now. Have been for awhile. It's cool. I got an external hard drive which now houses all of my videos, so my computer doesn't die. Yay!
I've mostly been learning lines, rehearsing (it's so close!), and reading. Oh, and I did some Space Toaster work too.
Sara and Galvin came over last Tuesday and we started the second part. Galvin needs to help us write more, because her ideas PWN, and she thinks differently than the rest of us, so it keeps things interesting.
I felt bad last week because I blew off work people three different times. First on Tuesday to hang out at Erica's and eat pizza, then on Thursday to go to Jimmy's, and again on Friday to go see a movie and dinner. I really like them all a lot, and I love hanging out with them, but those people are so bad at making plans that they're always so last minute and I end up being busy. Oh well, they blew me off for Rocky Horror on Saturday, so I guess it's fair. I really hope they don't dissapear into the realm of 'people I've met at summer camps and never talked to again' because they're all really awesome. A bunch of them are coming to Fantasticks though, which is cool, and I'm going to see their plays at CCHS.
In other news, I finished John Adams! And I'm about 250 pages into Confederates. Go me. Hee, on Wednesday, when Virginia and Sara were over, V and I spent half the time making jokes about the founding fathers (we're not above Jefferson/Adams OTP liekOMGWTF!!!!eleven1!!!). Ahem. Yeah, we're cool like that.
By the way, I'm trying this new thing where I don't bore everyone with long, detailed, chronological accounts of my life. Is it working?
I was just looking over my videos. I have so much shit to edit. When you all come back for Thanksgiving/Winter Break I'm gonna try and have the Real World and Murder Mystery Night done.
Rehearsals have been going pretty well lately. We started running the first act on Thursday (2 PM - 9 PM!), which was actually really exciting, if a little intense. We actually had lights, props, and and and and RENA!!!! Who is amazing in every way. The woman has fingers like feathers. She's a genius. But yeah. It was fun. We took a break at six for dinner, and I was nominated to go get it, which consisted of me looking through my cell phone trying to find Margot's phone number to verify that I was picking up the correct order. We shared food (Will and Tim fed each other--OTP), made sex jokes with Mr. Eldridge, sketched out Rena I think, and then it was time to run the act again. We even had a photographer come (or, as Miriam would have you believe, a photo-grapher). And a reporter on Friday. Except she forgot to talk to me cuz I was singing. Oh well.
After rehearsal on Thursday, I went out to Ranc's with Laura, Tim, Molly, and Mims. Except the latter three bailed on us, so Laura and I retreated to my house where we watched "Daria!," the musical episode, and I tried not to say every line with the actors (<3 Daria the Musical). You know what I really want to see (cuz I know it exists)? Fairly Oddparents the Musical. I just think TV show musicals are the best thing ever. They should make a Veronica Mars musical. And it should just be all Kristen Bell singing.
Friday was fuuun. Two back to back performances of Oklahoma!: Junior. I only really had to work backstage though for the first one, then the second I could just relax, cuz it wasn't my cast. Laura came to see it (why she wanted to see Oklahoma! again, I don't know, but maybe she's just a good friend) and I introduced her to Kate, Sarah, Russell, and a few others. I just wish they got a chance to hang out with her more. I met Sarah's girlfriend, too, who seemed cool. Then it was time to say goodbye to the other counselors and head home for another seven hour rehearsal.
We worked through Act II, which, though being in worse shape, is my favorite between the two. I usually prefer first acts in plays, but this show has such a deeper second act, and I just love all the pain and anger. Yes, I'm Joss-ish and cruel, shut up. It also has my two favorite songs that I sing: "I Can See It" and "They Were You," though the latter needs some work.
After rehearsal, I stood at a crossroads. I was torn between going out with school people, work people, or staying home. I didn't end up going out with work people because I was just too tired to drive out to Concord, but I did end up going out, which I'm really glad I did, because I ended up having a night like the kind I haven't had since Suzie left for college.
Laura pulled up in front of my house after rehearsal (my biological clock was off all night because I went out at 7, when I'm usually going out around 10 or 12) with a car stuffed with Tim, Miriam, Danny, Hadley, Isabel, Will, Alycia, and Tori. Since there was NO room whatsoever, I took my car and followed them to Burger King for a not-so-midnight snack. Then we went to Skyline, rolled down hills, played 10 Fingers (it was really fun because there were people that I didn't know as well there), and talked. We left around 9:30 (me feeling like it was 12:30) for Underwood, where we met up with Liz, Kathleen, and Alyssa G. Though I was late because in addition to getting separated from Laura and lost in Arlington, I had to stop and get OVERPRICED gas. Which I failed at doing. Anywho, Underwood was fun. We played Truth or Dare, and actually had more than, like, four people. It was an....interesting game. I came home around 1, my dad completely unaware that I had dropped the car off and then left again an hour earlier. Heh.
Saturday I actually got to SLEEP IN. It was great. I went to lunch at Anna's (I LOOOOVE it) around three I think :-D, and then bought school supplies at Staples. I really like school supply shopping. Like, more than I should. I also really like organizing it all in my binders and folders and putting it in my backpack before school starts, and yeah.....okay, I'll stop now.
Since Saturday was Laura's last night here (which I'm trying not to think about), she, Will, Tim, Sara, and I went to Rocky Horror. We went to Laura's house, dressed really slutty (read: eye liner, nail polish, fishnets, high heals, slut dresses, corsets, tight black shirts, hair dye, gel, and studded belts to name a few). Will decided to cross-dress. Cuz he's Will. And the rest of us just looked hot. Yes there are pictures:
ROCKY HORROR PICTURES! I think forty is a personal record for me, at any one event. But I'm glad I took that many. We got many a strange look walking through Harvard Square, but we got to meet really cool people outside the theatre, obviously attracted to us for sartorial reasons, so it was all good. A really hot guy with a guitar sung to us and hit on Laura, and EVERYONE hit on Will, including a mostly cool girl named Nicole and a gay guy who I think played one of the cops once.
Tracy wasn't there, but the head of security chick was really cool. We didn't have to wait as long so we spent less time with her, but she and I threw coins at the guitarist who stupidly left his guitar case closed. So we just flicked them at him. Hee.
When we got inside, Nicole and her boyfriend (boy friend?) cut in front of Sara and I separating us from the rest of the group. Way to go, Nicole. So it was the two of them in a row with Tim, Will, and Laura, and Sara and I got stuck sitting next to some random guy across the theatre. But it was okay because it turned out he was a hardcore (he came every Saturday) and he made it easy to hear the audience participation (which I LOVE), and told us when to use the items in our "bag of shit" (a bag of rice, playing cards, toilet paper, etc. --they all pertain to different moments in the film). I was dissapointed to see that some of my favorite actors from last time--the woman playing Frank 'N' Furter, and a few others--weren't there. They also had a chick playing Rocky, which was weird. But they still had the awesome lesbian playing the neckless guy and Columbia, who was so funny. She came up to me before the show and pulled off my shirt and was like "Sorry, but my screen told me to get you naked. It wasn't me, it's all the screen's fault." Also, apparently the hot girl playing Janet was named Suzie and was leaving for college the next morning. So they did a goodbye ceremony which involved singing and spanking. I love them. Now, why didn't we do that when our Suzie left us?
I noticed a lot of stuff in the movie I didn't the first time, which is always cool. I'm still not bored with it though. Oh! They had this kick-ass preshow skit with this song that I NEED to find for my iPod. It's like this guy seducing another guy to do "something dirty," but the second guy is a homophobic jock, so he's all like "what are we gonna do?" and the first guy is like "soccer practice. s-ss-s--ssoccer practice." And it's hillariously. They acted out the whole thing, with costumes and everything--it was great.
We left around 2:30, and I think I ended up staying up until 5 AM. A record.
Sunday was a good day. Not exciting, but mildly productive. I joined The Facebook: High School version, which is my new obsession. I love it. If you're in high school and want to join (not just my high school--any one), let me know and I'll throw you an invite.
I watched the Veronica Mars finale again with my mom. God, I love that show. It's funny that Sara's having a VM premier party and both of our mothers will be there. To watch VM.
Sara came over too, and we watched "Offspring," which wasn't a great episode (it was good, but not great), but we amused ourselves. See, Fred was dressed like a ten-year-old prosti-tot, and was being really naiive about Darla, and I was all 'OMG it's Galvin'. And then Sara was like, "well who are everyone else?" We decided that Gunn was Latara because 1) it's fun and 2) he said "uber-vamp". Cordy was Nova, for the bitchiness and friendliness with a vampire. Angel was James, cuz, leader, and Wesley was Hazel, because of the bookishness. We also had an amusing moment during this scene:
Darla: "Hello, lover. Long time no see."
Angel: "Darla."
Cordy: "Darla?"
Wes: "Darla!"
(I pause the TV)
If you got that, I'm proud of you. I do love that scene in RHPS.
Then I stayed up way later than I should have.
Yesterday, I woke up at 11, starting to adjust for school. Sara came over later, with a cake she had made for Virginia, so we went and picked up Virginia. We ate cake (it was rather good--I should make Sara feel guilty so I get baked goods too), and then decided to watch "Mean Girls" and squee over Lilly as I had just gotten it and Virginia had never seen it. I think that's, like, the fourth time I've seen it, and I still love that movie. I <3 Tina Fey. And Regina's mom really reminded me of Sara's mom, but like, to the max. It was funny. A lot of the stuff in the movie was very ST-ish, or pertained to our own high school life, so it was fun to watch it in that context.
Hannah and Kayleigh both called me to hang out yesterday, when I was busy. Damn. I need to see them both a lot more. I've missed a lot of people this summer.
Today? I woke up at 10. Read some. My iPod broke. I was angry. I ate food and watched Firefly with Hazel. It's fun hanging out with her because it's like spending time with a 5-year-old. So spontaneous and full of energy. And she didn't even talk this time. Then I went to rehearsal. Things went pretty well. I thought I was lacking in energy, but I guess everyone was, and it turns out a lot of my problems were common and easy-to-fix, as Margot explained--mostly pitch stuff with singing. "Soon It's Gonna Rain" needs some work, as does "The Rape Ballet," but I'm very confident on the whole first half of Act I, and I know everything I need to do, which is good. I got to hang out and talk a bit with people who I thought had been avoiding me, so that was good. I'm going to be sad when Fantasticks is over. I really like this small, intimate, and uncensored group. Now we have to "clean things up" because of the incoming freshmen. That sucks. Oh, and I had this connectors workshop, which was the stupidest thing ever, and doesn't even deserve to be talked about, because it was more pointless than the average "Charmed" plotine, and less effective than Bush in office.
Anyway, at least things have gotten better from earlier. And I have a new LJ layout. Now I can sleep in peace. Tomorrow, I'm (hopefully) getting my iPod fixed, having lunch with my connectees (whom I will not hit on, sell drugs to, or try and bed--unless they have rich parents), reading more, and rehearsaling.
Then Thursday is the first day of school. Ugh. At least I'll still have weekends?