One more star, one more stripe, when there's nothing you can do

Jul 31, 2005 15:49

Well, I had an interesting day yesterday. Two shows in one day, and only $10 each!!

At 2, I went to see "Songs For A New World" at Regis College in Weston. Now, this has been one of my favorite shows for awhile, and I've been listening to the CD non-stop. For those of you less enlightened, it's a musical revue written by Jason Robert Brown (aka GOD). You wouldn't think that something without any scenes between songs would have so much greater an impact when it's performed, but this really really does. It was done in a tiny, blackbox theatre, with a place for the band and a staircase that was used for "Just One Step" and "King of the World" and a few other songs. The cast was amazing--all around 20ish, and they made some very interesting choices. I have to say that I liked Woman 1 the best. She was an incredible actress/singer (and she was HAWT) and took "I'm Not Afriad of Anything" in a completely different direction, that had her in tears by the end. Man 1 was a little disappointing, but he had a good voice. He just had NO stage presense whatsoever, and a bit of Jackson syndrome (repetitive action while singing). I really liked "She Cries" though--I need to sing that song sometime. I was a bit skeptical of Woman 2 at first--Just One Step was a bit lacking in energy--but she really opened up later. Her voice was incredible and she had the entire audience laughing hysterically by "Surabaya-Santa." She picked one audience member to just interrogate, completely broke the fourth wall, and it worked perfectly. Man 2 had SUCH an amazing voice. He didn't quite have the range needed (he falsettoed a few things and took an alternative note or two in "Flying Home"), but he was so good you barely noticed. He also was a great actor. And he was HOT too. I was practically dying in "Steam Train." For those of you that don't know the show, sorry for that intensely detailed review, but it was a really good show, and I had to critique it.

At 8 I went back to see "West Side Story" starring Mr. Eldridge. I ran into Bethany, Will, Liz, Tim, and Emma F. there, which was cool (I got big 'i missed you' hugs from Bethy and Emma). It was a bit awkward though, because I never really felt like I was in that group, and because Bethany and I were the only ones not in a couple. Though Tim and I did get into a conversation while everyone else was talking about hangovers. We also saw Todd, Tom E., and Vartan there. The show was very good, but it was hard to pay attention because it was SO DAMN COLD! Like, you do not understand the extent to which the air conditioning was on. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and I was about to die from the unneccesary amount of cold. Mr. E was great though, as was Maria. The set was incredible (thanks to Alycia and Tori, who I saw at both shows too because they were working there). I'm just not really a fan of "West side Story" as a show. I liked the parts of it that were "Romeo and Juliet," but other than that I couldn't really get into it. The songs are also kinda dull in my opinion. However, the dancing was, without a doubt, incredible.

Then I went home, and got what is probably the best news of the month. I found out that my dad, after being prodded by myself and his girlfriend, finally went out and bought a new car. It comes in Tuesday, which means that from then on, I GET HIS CAR!! It's kinda old and crappy, and I'll have to clean it out and everything, but at least it's a car. It'll be really helpful too for rehearsals and work and stuff during the school year. And to answer your question, no, I won't be driving any of you around until December, when it's legal. Sorry.

Was going to go see Hamlet today with PAC folk, but I'm a little theatre-ed out, and I'm going to spent tons of time with them this week anyway.
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