"My pregnant mind is fat full with envy again..."

May 14, 2006 18:39

Last night was nice. Eric came over during the day and we went shopping for Mother's day. We got CD's - he got ray charles for his mom and I got Michael Buble. We came home, crashed and watched The Notebook. Then we made pretty cards for our mommies. Except I was more focused on the messages he was writing me on another piece of paper about going away for college. Everytime the subject of him leaving for college comes up we get all teary eyed and snuggly. It's going to be soo hard.

Then we went midnight bowling (just the 2 of us). I think its the first time we've gone without a group of people. Unfortunately it wasn't the best because I was alittle emotionally messed up. But we came back to my house at 1 and fell asleep on the couch til 2. I had a hard time waking him up lol

Today's mothers day (and me and eric's 3 month). I bought mom some pretty flowers this morning, and after we picked megan up from her volleyball tourney, the 3 of us ate at IHOP. Mmm good! People always tell me how good the food is there!

And that's about it i guess. I've got some hw, and me and mom are going to go for a walk in about a half hour. WHOOHOO.

12 more days of school til senior signout YAY!
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