Feb 01, 2006 19:01
Life seems ok right now, some really really good stuff going on and some really not so good stuff in the air. I can handle this balance and seem to be doing alot better than I was a fews years back with things.I think I am in a weird way mutating, either that or just growing up more, cause after all adults are mutants. I'm madly and deeply in love with the raddest girl in the world, I'm so pleased that we found each other and that her raddness makes me radder by osmosis or some shit, and vice versa as in my oddness has an amplifing effect on hers. Tiff you are the tops. And on other sides of things I'm having really REALLY oh my god REALLLLLYY bad nightmares, so if you would be so kind leave me a comment on your thoughts of what causes these nightmares.