I don't want to grow up (my portfolio introduction)

Jun 05, 2005 19:11

After thirteen amazing years here at Marcellus I sit here sort of dumb founded that it is all coming to an end so fast. I never imagined I would feel such an array of emotions at this point in my life. I figured I want to just get out of here, but I’m finding now that I know it’s almost over, I don’t want it to end so fast. I really don’t know who I am right now. I know my name is Kara Elaine Stone, I know I am turning 18 on the day of graduation, I know my favorite food in macaroni and cheese; but other then that I can’t tell if I want to just get out of here and start a whole new chapter in my life, or stay and remember how awesome it has been and keep my friends close by my side.
As an adult learner, I hope I get better at it. I know how to take notes, study, read, write, listen and a lot of other things I have been taking for granted. I just want to remember them and carry them on with me to college because I really think it will help. I have learned so many things about world events, math, the different sciences, poetry, and basically if you name it, I have learned about it. I want to continue to learn more but I hope I don’t lose any of the knowledge I have already gained.
After looking back on my life I realize I have taken school for granted. School here in Marcellus has helped me in so many ways that I can’t even explain. Of course I played a part in my maturing and learning because I showed up and did the work. But I owe so much back to this school and this community that I could never repay in a million lifetimes. Sometimes I wish I could have learned more.
It’s scary to know that in 21 days even if I wanted to come back to high school, I couldn’t. I’m scared to go to college and fail. Part of me wants to have high school to fall back on when life gets too hard but I guess it is a part of growing up. I scare myself when I realize that in 4 days, high school will be over then in 21 days, I’ll graduate.
I guess the one thing I’m not scared about is having a whole summer to forget to grow up. I can still go out and play and not worry about anything concerning college, or working, or anything that adults worry about. I have a whole summer to keep my innocence. But when I think about it, a summer isn’t long enough to stay young.
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