musings from the 14th grade

Mar 03, 2009 11:23

i don't think i am cut out for college.  people say everything happens for a reason, but i have yet to find any reason why i can't do this shit no matter how hard i try.  seriously what the fuck.  i feel like an alien at this school.  everyone is good at something but me.  sometimes i think i can do math and science fine, but then i remember that there's nearly an infinite amount of people who can do this shite with their eyes closed.

this school isn't helping me figure out who i am, it's only helping me become more boring.  instead of helping me realize what i'm good at, they send me e-mail after e-mail about what i have to do and/or what i can't do.

whose idea was it to set up limited enrollment programs?   think of the thousands of people who worked hard to get into this school, only to spend the first two years of college in nerve-wracking frenzical attempts to get...accepted...again?  why doesn't president mote just wake the fuck up and realize that if the school accepts less people, we won't need limited enrollment programs.  then everyone could do what they wanted.  you know, like a real school.

since i'm a transfer student, the reality of this circumstance affects me every day of my life.  i have one last chance to follow the career path of my dreams.  one last semester, one last opportunity.  and you know what?  it doesn't matter how bad i want it.  it's not about how creative i am, and it's not about how smart i am.  it's about getting a 4.0.  it's about fucking numbers.

this is me versus the school.  man versus institution.  seriously, who do YOU think is going to win?

last year, i watched one of my friends get rejected from the school of music over and over again.  now, he's majoring in english, forced to pretend that it hadn't always been his dream to sing professionally.  why does this school insist on denying us what we came here to get?

i get it; life doesn't always work out the way you want it to, and sometimes you have to learn the hard way.  but this is about more than that.  this is about money.  in the place where there should be some great master of academia helping students get what they came for, there is instead some skeevy, conniving, balding guy who's profiting from our failures.

maybe.  in my wildest dreams.

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