Nov 20, 2008 22:36
Let's give this a try...
Colds make me sad. No, I mean they somehow psychologically affect my energy, disposition, all that. Generally I just start to feel more easily discouraged and pessimistic about things when I have a cold. Tonight I got frustrated about data. Not at data itself --I got frustrated about the futility of hundreds upon hundreds of people sitting in cubicles, offices, half-cubicles, all cross-referencing eachother and countless hundreds of others, all trying to figure out a way to say it so that this time, maybe in this sentence, in this chart, in this series of footnotes, in this perfect combination of realistically critical meets energetically hopeful meets striking just the right balance between what "we" want to hear and what "we" need to be told yet again in a slightly cutting edge but not so much to be called radical way, maybe this will make someone tell someone else to tell someone else to text so and so to remember to bring up at their next meeting with mr. bigshot that people are sick and hurting but that we can absolutely fix it quite easily and even stop everyone else from getting sick and hurt if you'd just let us. I'm all for information, it's great, it's just that what seems to happen is that you bang your head against the exact same brick wall saying exactly the same thing for so many decades that eventually you start to think you're going somewhere, but only because you've lost your memory from the same thing so hard so many times and so valliantly in the first place.
I'm only working here til Christmas. How do people do this for years on end?
I dunno, I guess I'll post this now. I need to get to sleep so I have a well rested head to bang against a wall again tomorrow.
bitching and moaning,
being sick,
information overload,
resistance is futile