Title: Maybe, Maybe I Got A Reason
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
just_drifting_6 Pairings/Characters: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season six finale
Disclaimer: Grey's Anatomy does not belong to me.
Author's Notes: I was rewatching their scenes in these episodes again and it finally hit me what they were all about. So I wrote it. First ever Grey's fanfic
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'Show me you love me,' and 'Prove I'm special' and all her other demands" - Because I don't think she was unjustified in wanting to believe Callie actually thought she was different from anyone else I still enjoyed it
I do believe Arizona was justified in her demands, though I tend to side with Callie on the baby issue. I think what I was trying to portray with those lines were how scared Arizona is for Callie in that scene, and so sort of explain the out-of-the-blue decision she made at the end of the episode.
At the same time, I am still getting to know these characters, so I'm bound to make mistakes with regards to their characterisation, so thank you for pointing that out :)
I think her flaws are part of what makes her so interesting, though, and because I love her so much I am especially interested in exploring them.
(The baby thing was one of the few times I have identified with Callie more than Arizona, because I want kids, so I kept desperately wanting Arizona to change her mind so they could be happy!)
I identified with Callie in a way I guess because I have a son but in a way I got Arizona too or more just thought it wasn't that big a deal, I really believe in woman's rights and there are people out there that seem to think that if a woman doesn't want to have a child that there is something wrong with them and I think that's a crap attitude to take..I guess I just feel that no-one was essentially in the wrong but I do get what you are saying
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