Oct 11, 2010 21:10
Gah, I am so shit at updating this thing. I'm just so lazy. I really need to get better at it. So, a list instead!
+ Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who filled out my survey! You saved my lie, so thank you so much. Also, I just reread the assignment sheet and it says Australian tourists overseas so...you guys are all now Australian. Hope that's okay :P
+ I finished Pushing Daisies season 2. I watched the entire thing in a day, which is a bit ridiculous, but it's me so I shouldn't be surprised. I almost cried when it finished. There were so many things left unfinished -- Chuck's father, Ned's father, will they ever get to touch? I WANT TO KNOW MORE.
I hate that I've come into this fandom two years too late. I'm so in love with it it's not even funny, but none of the comms are active anymore. And just yesterday I went through the entire Ned/Chuck comm and read every single fic, so I've read most of that as well! If anyone has any fics/vids/anything to recc me, please do! I want so much more.
I have also fallen in love with Anna Friel. She is just so amazingly awesome. Of course, she will never take the place of Olivia in my heart, but still. She's there. And I absolutely adore her British accent; I love the way she says 'Chuck'. It's adorable. I so want her and Olivia to do a movie together. That would like...make my life. Make it happen, universe!
But my super epic love for Pushing Daisies, while awesome, also scares me a little, because I feel like it's sort of...taking over my Dollhouse obsession. Same with Sarah/Chuck. Sarah/Chuck because it's there and it's a continued thing; I have them every week, and Ned/Chuck because it's new and shiny and I guess because I have the canon to back it up.
It just...terrifies me. I am in no way ready to give up Dollhouse or DeWitt/Dominic. I've never been this obsessed with a fandom or a pairing, I don't think, and what's more, I've never met this many amazing people in one place. The D/D comm feels like my home, even though I don't talk much.
But I feel it...slipping away, almost. At night I always get to sleep by thinking about my favourite characters, and it used to always be D/D, but recently they just seem...distant. Like I can't reach them. I see the other two couples close up, but I have to reach for D/D.
I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to let them slip away. I can't. But...it's hard. I'm hoping the novelty of Ned/Chuck will wear off after awhile and that Chuck/Sarah won't take too hard (cause really, I don't want this to be my main pairing. I mean, I love them, but there's nothing about them that inspires me as D/D does).
Wow, that turned into a ramble on Pushing Daisies instead of a recap of what's been happening. Obviously, you can see, FANDOM RULES MY LIFE. I will make a post within the next couple of days about some personal stuff; namely my love life. Well... I wouldn't say love, but...boy stuff. But for now, that's all.
Last thing: I have school tomorrow. Ugh. These holidays went way too quickly. Not fair.
pairing: chuck/sarah,
pairing: dewitt/dominic,
pairing: ned/chuck,
fandom: pushing daisies,
fandom: chuck,
fandom: dollhouse