Day 01 - What is your current favourite ship? Day 02 - What was your very first ship? Day 03 - A pairing that needs to happen now?
Come on, you guys! It's the classic cliched thing; they keep getting so close, they both obviously want each other, but still they continuously draw back and deny their feelings, etc, etc. And usually, I can't stand that type of thing, because they always take it way too far. It's been two seasons, just get together already! (And I'd just like to say, they may have already gotten together, I don't know cause season 3 just started airing here, but for me--THEY NEED TO HURRY IT ALONG ALREADY).
Please, please don't turn into Bones. I don't even watch that show and I can't stand it. They just draw it out too long, so much that it gets boring and old. I don't want that to happen to these two. So, please!