poem: the lion and the lamb

Jun 28, 2009 22:50

Title: The Lion and the Lamb
Fandom: Twilight
Author: just_drifting_6
Pairings/Characters: Bella/Edward
Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to me.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

There was a lion

Brave and tall

There was a lamb

Meek and small


The lion was hunting,

One fateful day

When it caught the scent

Of its favourite prey


It took all his strength

To leave it alone

To let the lamb

Return safely home


He ran away

Through the forests of the night

That little lamb

Had given him a fight


When he returned

He could hide his love no more

I will never leave

To her he swore


But he broke his promise

And their time came to an end

He left her in the woods

A dog her only friend


The lion and the lamb

Were one once more

But the dog made his mark

With his big red paw


The dog was stubborn

The dog was rude

But he was her friend

And highly valued


She loved them both

But in the end she had to choose

Which one of them

She could bear to loose


And because they were always

Meant to be

The lion was her choice

And the dog was free


The lion and the lamb

Together once more

She knows that this time

He won't walk out the door


Love is a funny thing

It works in mysterious ways

But the lion and the lamb

Will be together till for the rest of their days

character: bella swan, character: edward cullen, type: drabble, fandom: twilight, pairing: edward/bella

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