Oct 08, 2005 11:28
I went to Trinity last night to see The Mystery of Edwin Drood for my theatre class with some of my friends from said class. We picked up the tickets when we got there & went to find our seats. Alyssa noticed that there weren't any sections or seat numbers on those tickets, so that is why we could find our places. She and I went back to resolve this issue. She joked, "Oh, no seat numbers. Guess that means that we can sit where ever we like," So I said, "Yes! I wanna sit on the stage!" After we fixed the sitch, we took our seats. I so called it; we sat on the stage, like an actual part of the show. It was fucking awesome. *SQUEE* The show totally rocked! I loved the energy & how exciting it was. Towards the end of the show is the part where the audience gets to pick who the killer is & such. All the plausible suspects stand up on boxes with numbers over their heads so the audience can decide. Anyways, one of the main characters, Edwin's uncle Jasper, goes to hop up on his box...Now, this man is a little bit bigger, but that's not a problem. He hops up onto his box, but his footing somehow slips, he bangs his shin & falls down on the box, landing on his stomach. At this point, the audience is laughing because of the obvious screw up. This definitely wasn't planned. He quickly stands up, makes some in-charracter remark about him being too daring but the port being too strong. Then he steps off the box, goes out of charracter for a moment, walks to a nearby wall, and just stands there with his forehead against it. But oh my goodness. Then (to help with the embarrassment) one charracter who is supposed to be drunk, fake-stumbles and falls trying to get up on his own box.
I'd have to say that my favorite scene was the dinner scene, with the song "No good can come from bad". Oh man. My favorite character is definitely Edwin, and then one or two others. My friends jokingly asked me if I liked anyone from this show, because I was totally crushing over the lead actor from the last play we saw. And yes, I'm crushing again. It's okay, it doesn't hurt anyone. =P
It was funny in one part where Edwin is thought to be dead, but reappears & says, "I am Lazarus" and stuff. It was funny because Lazarus was repeated over and over again in the last play we saw [Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky]. The whole concept of rising from the dead was in both shows, and we all looked at each other at the same time and laughed, 'cause we were all thinking the same thing. But man, it was awesome.
Then walking back to the car, Alyssa and I kept running across the streets to cross at the lights, but everyone else was like, just strolling. We were all daring and stuff. Haha, good times.