Jan 15, 2018 14:37
I have found my way back to this beloved journal. I look back and want to hug poor teenage me. I want to hug all the past mes really.
As I write this, I am at work, waiting for the day to end. For a Monday, it is not bad at all. Life is going pretty well considering I died once a couple of years ago. I'm alive still (obviously) so at least I have THAT going for me.
Also, was I always so fucking emotional?! Goddamn, the number of times I probably typed out each livejournal post in TEARS... just crazy.
So, a sum of myself and my life now:
I am 31 years old. I am currently living in Berkeley, CA and have been for seven years. I've lived in the SF Bay Area for a 11 years. It's been both hell and heaven. Hell would be in my head every now and then.
I am almost at two years of sobriety. 2 years on the 20th! I can't believe it.
More awesome news: It will be ten years with Rachel in June!!
holy shit, this girl is awesome. I honestly really don't deserve her. I love this girl.
We have three cats- Cloud, Nimbus, and Luna.
So this is my update. Maybe I'll come back around soon.