25 Things You Probably Didn't Want To Know About Me...

Nov 23, 2010 02:38

Well look who it is.

So I vowed to keep my journal, and I really was going to. But then I got hit by revision. And then some gutting news. And in amongst all that I was feeling pretty damn fucking low. But I'm back now...and I'm happy again. So let's just hope that I keep a hold of my journal and get back into the swing of things now eh?

Eitherway I decided that to ease myself back into journal life I should do a meme that I've seen scattered around this site a bit, where you just list 25 things about yourself. It sounds pretty easy (possibly a bit boring for anyone reading mind :P) so I thought I'd have a go. I'm sure I shall get halfway through and regret it...who knows ;)

So here we go...

1.) Last year I was the only person I knew to get into Oxford University. This year I'm the only person I know who has actually been kicked out of Oxford University. *sigh*

2.) I am dyscalculia. This is essentially why I was kicked out of Oxford University.

3.) I'm a DJ/ music producer ( Destinee). Or at least trying to be. I'm still going through a big learning curve with it all but its a hobby that I'd love to be able to make something out of someday. I love, love, love music, all genres pretty much, but in terms of what I produce? Well that's all DnB, dubstep, darkstep and electronica. Love it. <3

4.) My biggest fear are blood tests. Which is very weird, because I am by no means squeamish or afraid of gore. I'm not even scared of needles. :S

5.) I have a tendency to learn a little of a language and then get bored. Aside from studying french for the best part of seven years, I've taught myself bits of spanish, german, welsh, latin and even a teeny tiny bit of gaelic. I always learn the basics and then get bored and move on...

6.) My other big passion is fitness. Basically, if I'm not getting my four 2 hour gym sessions a week then I'm not a happy bunny. I love the adrenaline rush and I definitely love pushing myself. Sometimes a bit too hard. I'm currently nursing a torn tricep...

7.) I am, for lack of no better description, bisexual. Genuinely. When told to pick a side, call me a nymphomaniac or just plain greedy but I simply can't. I love everything about men. I love everything about women and I've had relationships with both (just not at the same time naturally).

8.) On that note, I have been in love a grand total of two times. The first time went tits up, the second is destined down the same route.

9.) I'm about 5ft 11, making me pretty damn tall. I used to be really conscious about my height, mainly because I towered above most of the guys I knew and it used to make me feel pretty masculine. I'm cool with it most of the time now though.

10.) I now have bright red hair.

11.) My favourite colour is blue. I always feel a bit childish admitting that I actually have a favourite colour. But I've always adored wearing blue, my rooms blue, hell I would probably eat blue food if the chance arose :P

12.) I miss writing. Alot. I partly think that I don't do it at much these days because I don't feel as if I belong to a particular fandom. I particularly miss all my random LJ convos and definitely all my LJ friends. If any of you are still reading, I'd love to hear from you.

13.) I have always been fascinated by the British Army, for as long as I can remember. A few months ago I looked into applying. I have all the information now, but I know that its a huge decision to make that shouldn't be taken lightly. Plus, I really want to go for officer training, which is such a gigantic responsibility.

14.) I have a slightly photographic memory apparently. So I'm pretty good at memorising diagrams and paragraphs of text (as long as there aren't numbers!)

15.) I'm competitive, although I sometimes try to pretend I'm not. But if I'm going to do something properly, then I'm going to give it my best shot. That being said, I really hope I'm not a sore loser...

16.) I don't sleep much. I don't know why. I generally get tired around early evening, convince myself that I'm going to go to bed nice and early, then end up waking up after midnight and finding something else to do.

17.) I'm a girl gamer. Proudly so. It brings out my competitive streak. The look on men's faces when I beat them at Call of Duty is priceless :P

18.) Please don't mention Twilight around me. I may hurt you :P

19.) One of my most played songs (there's a lot I must admit...I'm pretty much permanently attached to my ipod...) is "I Get Off" by Halestorm. It probably says quite a lot about me to be honest :P

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20.) I can write in old runes. I'm not sure why I still can, I taught myself to when I was nine and never really forgot. I then proceeded to teach my best friend, and so annoyingly its almost like we have our own language :P

21.) To add to my already large geekdom, I have a 50 piece strong fossil collection in my room. I love palaentology, and ever since I was nine I have been fascinated by it.

22.) The lovely DJ Spor. If I had to choose, he'd be my ideal man. :P He also happens to be my favourite DJ... <3

23.) My favourite food is Greek Salad. And not because I'm a health freak. But simply because its so nice!! It also has lost of happy memories for me from Greece, so I guess that helps. :)

24.) If I had to pick a favourite band...it would be Rammstein. Don't ask me why, because I have absolutely no idea in the slightest. I just love them.

25.) The longest thing I have ever written is my AU fanfic, Tales of a Time Agency. Which considering I have two novels lying around is rather depressing. :P

So, I guess that's me. Reading back I am a pretty boring person. But hey, at least I'm using my journal again! In the mean time, if anyone fancies a chat, well then I'm more than willing to say hi. :)



blog type thing, misses lj friends, needs hugs, ramble, bored, random, just_being_me08

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