Terror Spawns Creativity

Aug 19, 2009 22:49

Fuck I am scared. I do apologise for my strong language there but I'm afraid it's the truth! My exam results are out tomorrow and I am more nervous than a very nervous thing - believe me. I've been trying to write TOATA 21 too, but as the gorgeous naddypants  knows, when I tried to I just kept subconsciously writing the word "exam" so I had to stop. It will be with you as soon as get it finished I promise you. I know I completely suck at updating, but this time I have a teeny tiny excuse. :)

Anyway, I was looking for distraction and so photoshop came into play. So I made another wallpaper...ownto (the best possible pairing in my opinion) of course. And so because I am an attention seeking bugger, I decided to pimp it out on here, since LJ desperately needs more ownto on its pages. It was slightly inspired by the last chapter of my ownto series but in fairness thats just an excuse to fiddle with more pictures of the boys. They are the ones who make it a pleasure to look at of course. ;)

I hope you likes it!! :D


ownto, owen/ianto, torchwood, ianto jones, owen harper, just_being_me08, wallpapers, exams, ramble

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