Title: Tales of A Time Agency - 18 B/?
Rating: 15 - NC-17, the usual.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto but it’s the Time Agency so expect Jack/John, Tosh/Owen, Ianto/John, Tosh/Mary, John/ OFC, John/the consenting population of the universe……
Spoilers: Anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: Ianto Jones is thrown into the world of excess of
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Hahaha I just read it again, and you know what my thoughts were in relation to this chapter last night; namely the "OMG PLOT TWIST!" bit.
And what a plot twist it bloody was. I did not by any stretch of the imagination see it coming! But it was amazing, really, on so many levels. I mean you could have played it out so straight, you know, logical from cause to effect and all that, but that weave, that extra bit of back story that made the story just that bit more interesting (not that it wasn't gripping before). I mean I love it. The betrayal, everything. Just...AMAZING.
As for Jack. God, can I have one of my own? I just LOVE the way you write him. And the way he knows he shouldn't help Ianto, that it's against everything he believes in, but he does it anyway, because he knows the stakes are so much higher if Ianto is on his own.
And John and Tel. Bless Tel, I think with the last chapter we realised that John could change, but now I just think she needs to realise that he can. I love the potential with these two, and the way you wrote the aftermath of the fight from her point of view. :)
Oh and Ianto's dream! God it was beautiful. I mean it started so lovely, in a way, you know, father and son relationships and all that...and then the way Ianto suddenly talks about protecting people, everything...just the transition, and his father's anger. The way you reflected the reaction into Jack at the end, when they'd both found out...well that was woah.
Before I forget. That Owen and Tosh scene was gorgeous, I mean it started off so light-hearted, and then it just...broke my heart that Owen could admit his feelings, and then throw it all away. :( It's not fair I tell thee! Owen needs to realise that Tosh is amazing and that he needs her!
Oh and one..okay two other things.
1. As I said last night...the pacing of this chapter...I loved it. I really did.
2. That dedi. :) I did not deserve that..*huggles you very tightly*
Haha I think I've ranted about how much I loved this chapter, and so now I shall leave you.
Not before I send Ianto (all topless and sexy) and Jack (well he just likes to be nude, I couldn't tell him no :P) in your direction with frappas, a multitude of other SANSAP drinks, and then a chocolate fountain with strawberries (that was Ianto's idea...;P).
Anywho, enough of my insane rambling. Really I think I've lost it.
May I just say though, that I am so pleased that you liked the plot twist. I had been building up to it for so long that in my head it wasn't really a big deal to me lol. But guh...I don't know what to say! Thank you for a start. I am so proud that you enjoyed it, and that you liked the little bit of back story at the begging. You have no idea how much you make me grin. :) And what you said about my Jack...again, I got nothing. Lol I'm so glad that you got all that from him about his dilemma. God, thank you! Again! haha.
And yes, poor old Tel and John, doomed forever to misunderstand each other. It wouldn't be TOATA without someone's love life going astray after all. But to know you love them, well that's fantastic.
Good lord, I am so glad you liked Ianto's dream! It was just going to be a bittersweet memory of his Dad, but then it just seemed to work better as a way of Ianto's subconscious challenging him. Again..thanks!
I seem incapable of writing light hearted, as Tosh and Owen were never meant to become so angsty there. I agree in parts, Owen does need to realise just how much she means to him. Still!
I think this comment alone showed that you deserved the dedi my dear. And that you liked my new take on the pacing of this chapter, well that has given me a new boost. God really, you are incredible sweetie, I feel I should say thanks again! And thank you for all the rather gorgeous gifts too. ;)
Love you too!!!
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