Well I stumbled upon this on
naddypants journal, and quite frankly I thought it sounded a bit amusing. Since I have nothing better to do, apart from ignore my revision and pretend that I don’t have another chapter of TOATA to write for you lovely people….
The meme lurks below here.... )
Favourite character: Ieuan and Eleri obviously.
Least favourite character: Maria Bryn...tried to see her side of things - failed. Bitch. :P
Character I love that other people don't: Marie. (I ended up feeling really sorry for her in the end. :S)
Character everyone else loves that I don't: Maria Bryn. (By everyone I am assuming husband and kids.)
Character with the best hair: Eleri of course.
Character with the best eyes: Ieuan...excellent genetics.
Character with the best smile: Gabby...strikes me as a very smiley woman.
Character I'd kiss: Steve...ooft.
Character I'd most likely Fuck: ...*cough* Eleri...*cough*
Character I'd make lunch for: Rhia and Tomos.
Character I'd go singing in the rain with: Eleri of course, the performance queen.
Character I'd go shopping with: Gabby, she'd be a good girlie pal.
Character I'd go dancing with: Would have to be Eleri again.
Character I'd take over the world with: Ieuan...with his looks and intelligence we'd be set.
Character I most want to see more of: Ryan! Mystery man that he is.
Favourite pairing: Apart from the obvious non original one? :P Lol Ieuan/Ryan...too cute they be.
Least favourite pairing: Ummmm... Bryn/Owen, Zoe/Owen, Lydia/Yan....they all get in the way.
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