Title: Play Off
Rating: Oh, it’s verging on NC-17 at the very least.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Owen/Ianto, Jack/Ianto/Owen..
Spoilers: Set in series two, but no huge spoilers what so ever.
Summary: Owen and Ianto have always had a volatile relationship, but that’s what appeals to Jack the most about them…
Disclaimer: Regrettably I own nothing,
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Secondly....yeah you're right. I can't imagine Jack being a very good voyeur either. He seems to enjoy being in the thick of things so to speak. ;) Take that whatever way you wish...
Oh my goodness.
That was...where to begin?
Well...I adored the clue. It was very well planned out, and the banter between Jack and Ianto was so perfect, romantic undertones and all. You had it spot on as always!
And then the kisses. My god woman. And you say you wish you were as good at writing those as me? I think you'll find you surpassed me a looooooooooooooooong time ago. Namely before I started writing...Seriously they were HOT!
The tension between Ianto and Owen and the way it melts away was just love! I mean seriously? I've turned into a babbling mess right here! On top of this, I have to say your description was beautiful, as always. :)
Also, I'm in Tosh's boat. More kissing with Owen and Ianto plz. And Jack too. :D
I'm not sure what else to say other than; can we please see part too where Jack decides that he doesn't want to be a voyeur very very soon? :D *begs*
*hands over Ianto with coffee, Jack with chocolates and Owen with cakes* :D
Soooo true about Jack. He was meant to be, but then through writing this, I just couldn't see him standing by and watching it all. After all, Jack has to be the center of everything right? :P
Ahhh the clue! I was worried I was being too obvious with it (useless at being cryptic I am). And I think the romantic janto was my guilt ridden self after my ownto series coming through.. :P
I still disagree, your kisses are incredible! That being said I do feel very honoured! But I think this might be another agree to disagree moments hunni. :P
No one does tension like Owen and Ianto I've decided. :P But awww thank you! As I always say, I am speechless really, so I think I'll just hug you lots!!
*is also in Tosh's boat* I say we need a banner. :P
Yes, we can! Lol I'm going to try and knock it up tonight and get it out as soon as I can! And thank you for all three boys, you really are too kind!! :D
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