Evening all!
Ok, so I thought that it was time for a blog, since I hadn't indulged in one for a little while at least. My main reasoning for this was the fact that I had nothing interesting to write, and in many respects I still do not, but one of the many joys of insomnia is that it forces me to start writing on my LJ late at night for absolutely no apparent reason. Or at least.....that's my excuse anyway. :P
But....I do have some official business here, which may sound pretty random. But anyway, my pally Naddy (the wonderful
naddypants ) sent me a text this afternoon informing me that her team from her school won third place out of sixty in a competition they entered today. Personally, I feel very proud and therefore felt the urge to advertise this here as well as offering my congratulations for when she finally returns to LJ. So....here we go....
*Cough* So....ummm yeah....
Hmmm what else was I going to say here. Oh yes! Another thing that both
naddypants and
thehubsitter have recently corrupted me with. Icon making! I am well and truly obsessed I assure you, and at current count I've made a batch of about thirty random torchwood icons. When I've done a few more I might have the confidence to show them to rest of the LJ world, but for now a select few have been uploaded. I warn you though....artistic is not generally something I can accomplish. :P
Oh god!!!! It's only a month and a bit until I go to see John Barrowman too! Lol....I really cannot wait! 11th May 2009 is going to be amazing. Ok, so the person I was going to go with dropped out (a very long and most likely upsetting story that one) but still...if I have to go on my own to see him I bloody well will lol. My mates just roll their eyes when I get excited about it....They are just too insane to appreciate the sheer joy of John Barrowman if you ask me. I mean come on....are they blind? And quite possibly deaf too? :S:S
Oh completely different news, it was Parent's evening at my college today, which is something I force myself to go to and try to give myself a tiny bit of self confidence. All my teachers would talk about was bloody oxford.... (I can't escape from the bloody university now it seems.... :S) and how they think that I am a talented student. Personally I think they are all mad, since I really am just your average student, not the person they make me out to be. The thing is, whenever I say that I don't think I'm clever, everyone just seems to get angry with me and say I'm being too modest. But I'm not. I honestly can't explain it, but whenever anyone compliments me, I just can't seem to accept it in my head. Especially intelligence wise. I just have this memory from back when I was in primary school (maybe when I was about four or five) and someone telling me that I was stupid. I know it was so long ago, but the memory has stuck with me, and I just can't seem to get it out of my head. Plus, I do occasionally get mocked because I really do struggle with numbers and maths calculations, but no one believes me when I say I have a learning disability because I get A's in everything else. :S Bloody hell, that was a bit of a rant. I do apologise. I know this is my space on my journal, but really, no one should have to read all that! *head desk* I think I'm just frustrated at myself more than anything, and I don't like to talk to anyone about all this directly because I just feel like I'm being selfish and going on about myself. At least on this journal it can just be skim read and ignored.
Moving on then....I think it might be a time to put an end to this pointless ramble. It's not really going anywhere after all! I know I say this every time, but if anyone is actually waiting for chapter 14 of TOATA, it should be ready soon, especially now that I have two weeks off from college and have finished all of my coursework. Again, a huge number of apologise for being one of the worst updaters on livejournal. But umm....yeah, if you've read this, I should probably apologise. It's all a bit random. :S
Anyway stay safe, and hopefully I will be updating with something a bit more meaningful soon! :)