Title: Oblivious - 2/?
Rating: 15, although there’s the odd sexual reference.
Characters: Ianto, Owen, Jack (fleetingly mentioned)
Pairings: Ianto/Owen, implied Jack/Ianto
Series: Chapter Two of "Lying My Way From You".
Spoilers: If you’ve seen series one of Torchwood you’ll be fine.
Summary: Ianto has left Owen with a lot of questions
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Anyway, now we've got that sorted.
You are completely mad woman! That dedi! And the fact that icon could help in the writing of something of that quality just makes me smile like a loon!
I love how the attitude in the writing changes, from Owen's typical "Eugh, not this again" attitude, to his stubborn-ness and the way he fails to understand a situation.
Oh you are just so so so so so in his head!!!
And the description of everything, from events to the surroundings etc. It was beautiful, really. Oh my. I really don't know what to say. I might just keep babbling for a bit. :P
Hahaa really, the situation, it's feasible, which makes this fic so wonderful. It's not a mad "OMG LET'S SHAG EVEN THO JACK'S O'ER THERE AND I LOVE HIM BUT I LOVE YOU TOO". It's wonderful to read their relationship on terms that sound possible. And in such a subtle way.
I love the situation, and just the way Ianto reacts, right down to Owen's one-sided thoughts. My god you've turned me into a jibbering mess.
I'm not sure what else to say other than you are utterly fabulous my dear, and so is this fic!
*has made a special cake to mark the occasion, and hands over Owen too ;) just to seal the deal*
I'm so pleased that you're smiling. But I wasn't lying about the icon, I saw it, stole it from you (:P) and then I was talking to Megan about it and there grew this sequel! So really, all of this is at least partly your fault. :P
I'm so glad that you noticed the attitude change! I really wanted to put more contrast into my writing, since its something I don't do enough. But *blushes* THANK YOU!! lol I don't know what to say to that, I'm just so pleased you thinks soo!!
Also yay! *dances* You liked the description! And do not worry a jot about the babbling, I loves it, and you'll keep me grinning into next week at this rate.
The mad shagging as you put it was something I didn't want to fall into, since being a Janto girl too I didn't want to discredit what Ianto had with him, just that he had feelings for them both. Oh god, I'm rambling now! haha but I'm so pleased you thought it was subtle! :D
I loves you as a jibbering mess. Although I really don't know what else to say or do! *hugs you so so tightly* Brilliant you are!!
Yaaaaay cake! and Owen too.....ooer missus. ;p
Thanks so much again!!!
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