Apr 21, 2008 23:35
Title: Flashes of the Past, Part 10/?
Rating: Errrr 15 for language probably.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Owen, Zara, The Doctor (ten)
Spoilers: All of series 2 except exit wounds to be on the safe side.
Summary: Set early on in series 2. The Doctor has finally arrived, but can he do anything for Zara?
Disclaimer: Regrettably I own nothing, none of the characters, zip. Wish I did though. Except Zara, guess I own her.
Author’s Notes: Just a random idea I had that grew into a fic. Comments are always loved and adored. Feedback is life lol
“He came.” Zara smiled, pressing her teeth together to forget the pain. “I told you he would.”
Jack heard the distant shudder of the door leading to the Hub opening, and lifting his head he could hear both the Doctor and Ianto’s voices. Turning round, he watched as the Doctor slowly approached them on the balcony, his eyes meeting Jack’s solemnly. In silence, he stood and looked at them, his face still serious as his eyes reached the sorry sight of Zara lying on the table behind Jack.
Softly he stepped towards them, standing behind her and placing one hand on her head.
“I’m here.” He soothed. “It’s going to be ok. I promise you.” Placing both his hands onto her temples, The Doctor gently pressed down, causing the woman to gasp and suddenly snap her eyes shut.
“What have you done?!” Jack hissed, leaning over her anxiously.
“I’m letting her rest. She’s asleep Jack, just asleep.” He nodded, letting go of her head. “What’s happened to her?”
Jack gulped hard, reaching behind him for the scans. It was over, he knew that. Not even someone like the Doctor could undo this. Jack only prayed that he could do something to make it less painful, to let her die with the dignity she deserved.
“This.” Was all he could say as he handed the scans over. He watched the Doctor calmly as the time lord took his glasses out of his pocket and placed them on the end of his nose, staring at the scans, a look of horror etching its way across his face.
“A nucleodactyl.” He breathed, a loud sigh escaping his lips. “I see.” Reaching down he gently pulled her eyes open and looked into them. “Neurotoxins have already reached the eyes I see, causing temporary blindness.”
“Yes, the neurotoxins haven’t been released in a large enough amount to permanently destroy her sight. The nucleodactyl is just weakening her body, not attempting to kill her right now.” He nodded, looking at the monitor next to him. “Slow heart beat, low blood pressure and blood count. Capillaries appear to be narrowing somewhat and-”
“Do you have to be so clinical?” Jack snapped, glaring at him.
“I’m sorry.” The Doctor paused. “You’ve seen this before haven’t you Jack?”
The Captain nodded, turning away. He didn’t want to cry in front of him, however much it hurt. Stifling his sobs, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder, turning him to face The Doctor.
“It’s ok. You’re immortal Jack, not inhuman.” Tentatively he reached forward, wrapping his arms around him.
“I’m not ready to see her die.” He sobbed, crying into the time lord’s worn suit. “Not like this.”
“Neither am I.” Tightening his grip, The Doctor gently stroked Jack’s back as he cried, feeling the emotion channel into him. He felt something inside him snap, a wave of electricity sparking its way through his mind. “And I’m not going to let her!”
“What’s the use in being as clever as I am and letting people die?”
“Doctor…..” Jack sniffed, moving out of his grasp. “It’s hopeless, there’s nothing we can do. If we remove it then-”
“Who said anything about removing it?” The Doctor smiled, before reaching down and whispering into his ear. “It’s not just your life she’s touched Jack. And I’m not going to let her die. I promise you.”
“What are you going to do?” Jack asked, his mind a blur of mixed emotion. He believed in the Doctor, but could he really cheat death?
“The nucleodactyl’s proteins are synthesised by Zara’s body, and its DNA is in her genetic code. So, if I change her genetic code, then her body will realise it’s not part of her and attack it naturally. If I add a tracer to the nucleodactyl’s cells and not hers I can also pump her full of respiratory inhibitors, killing of the nucleodactyl’s cells but not hers. It’ll give her immune system a head start to kill it off.” Grinning, he looked up to Owen who was stood on the balcony, dumbstruck.
“I’m going to need some cyanide young man.” He smiled quickly.
“Wait.” Jack managed to mumble, his voice still shaky. “How are you going change her genetic code?”
“Ahh!” The Doctor yelled, pointing at him decisively. “I’m going to rewrite her DNA!”
“Rewrite it? That’s impossible.” Owen choked, unable to move.
“Not for me it isn’t! Now, I need that cyanide pronto!” He laughed; taking off his glasses and watching Owen finally dash off, leaving him alone with Jack. The two men stared at each, the silence building around them.
“Thank you.” Jack said weakly, tears still rolling down his cheek.
“Jack……” The Doctor paused, his face suddenly solemn again. “This thing I’m about to do with her DNA. Even I’m not sure what the side effects will be. It’s a risk, but it’s the only thing I can do.”
“I understand.” Jack nodded softly. “But without it, she has no chance at all.”
The Doctor had retreated back to his TARDIS after that to prepare the tracer and the cyanide injections, whilst Jack and Owen continued to monitor Zara’s condition, which was steadily getting worse. Her fever was sky high, her heartbeat becoming fainter by the hour.
“Where’s the Doctor?” She managed to groan as she woke up.
“He’s going to help you Zara.” Jack couldn’t help but smile as he clutched her hand tight. “You’re not going to die Angel.”
“How? There’s nothing he can do.”
“Shush. Don’t worry; just know that he’s the Doctor, the most amazing man alive. He’s going to fix this, I promise you.”
“You’re just as amazing as he is Dad. Even though I know you’re lying.” She smiled, squeezing his hand tight.
“I swear to you I’m not lying.”
“Then why is there uncertainty in your voice? What are you keeping from me?” She managed to hiss, rubbing her temples again. Jack sighed; even in her weak state she still questioned everything.
“He’s going to re-write your DNA angel, but he doesn’t know for sure how it’ll affect your DNA in the long run. It’s a risk.” Stroking her hand, Jack couldn’t explain anymore, he didn’t want to frighten her.
“Anything is better than this.” She smiled again, closing her eyes. “Anything.”
jack harkness,
ianto jones,
flashes from the past