Title: Hurt Me With Nothing - Phantoms Never Sleep 9/?
Rating: I like to swear so 15???
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Rest of the team, new group of alien nasties.
Chapters: Sequel to “Don’t You Wish You Were Dead Like Me?”
Spoilers: Set series one, post ‘’Cyberwoman”, but anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: When Ianto suddenly falls
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Yay, the top three is back and it does look great! Good old html, I only just learnt how to use it a week ago (I'm not very technical haha) The top three has never looked better though!
I'm glad that you're still liking my imagery, I have to admit that it is nice to finally to do a bit more description than usual in my writing. But I'm glad you enjoyed my indulgence! :D
I know, I am beyond evil to our poor little Ianto. *hugs you* oh no, I didn't want to stab you! Though I'm proud that I managed to make it heart wrenching enough! :)
Thank you! I couldn't figure out if that bit worked or not, especially alongside the rest of the angst of this chapter, but now I think it did. Yay! *dances*
Well I'll be writing more, but I might write a bit faster.... :P
Awww thankies again sweetie, you know how much I adore your comments! They'll be more soon too! :)
Your happy (not so little though :P) writer
Same here, I was just messing around and it took me ages before I worked out how to do it without messing up everything! I really ought to be better at all this techy stuff considering how much time I spend on my laptop but I just don't manage it!
But anyways I'm glad you like the new format!
Yup I love your imagery soooo much you know that I do!
You are being very evil to him! *hugs you back* I'm ok and yes you should be proud!
Yes it did hun! It worked briallintly!
Think of it not as a little section that wasn't angsty, think of it as a little ray of sunshine benath all his hopeless dispar!
Haha then its a cliffie!!
You are so welcome hunny! You know how uch I love writting them!
Your not so little reader
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