Flashes of the Past Part 6/?

Apr 19, 2008 00:32

Title: Flashes of the Past, Part 6/?
Rating: Errrr 15 for language probably.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Owen, Zara, The Doctor (ten)
Spoilers: All of series 2 except exit wounds to be on the safe side.
Summary: Set early on in series 2. Jack finally has to face problems that aren’t torchwood related. Lots of flashback.
Disclaimer: Regrettably I own nothing, none of the characters, zip. Wish I did though.
Author’s Notes:  Just a random idea I had that grew into a fic. Comments are always loved. Hope people are still happy about where this is going! :D

“Xavier!” Zara screamed, her blue eyes filling with tears. “Xavier?!” Around her the bustling market place heaved and grumbled, people busily knocking the poor fragile child out of their way. No one stopped to help. “Please! Xavier!” She screeched, before being knocked to the floor by an especially large man. Ignoring the pain that shot up her arm as she hit the ground, she tried desperately to stand, but instead only flailed about hopelessly in the dust. Her vision blurred by tears, Zara gave up, holding her injured arm tightly, sat huddled on the floor. He’d never find her now…

“My, my.” Zara heard a soft voice above her, and as she looked up, she saw that someone had stopped in front of her. “What on earth has happened to you?” The figure smiled, reaching down and offering her his hand. She took it with her good arm, and felt herself be pulled up swiftly. Wiping her eyes, she finally got to look at the figure.

His hair was brown and floppy, he face thin yet friendly. Looking down to his odd, old fashioned clothes, she couldn’t help but smile at the soft brown pinstripe suit, or the old battered trainers that he wore.

“A smile! Now then, that is better isn’t!” He grinned, before turning around angrily as someone bumped into him. “Oi! Watch it! Doesn’t anyone in this century slow down anymore?” Returning his gaze to hers, he gently knelt down so that they were face to face. “Now then, you don’t half remind me of someone. What’s your name?”

“Zara.” She nodded, returning the smile. “Who are you?”

“Me?” He chuckled. “I’m the Doctor! Nice to meet you Zara!” Holding out his hand for her to shake, he suddenly noticed that she was holding her arm. “Are you hurt?”

“I………I don’t know. Xavier says I’m shouldn’t talk to strangers .Owww!” She squealed as he took her wrist and pulled on it gently.

“Don’t worry, just a sprain. Xavier did you say? Not Xavier Talak?” The Doctor asked, fishing out a large handkerchief from his pocket and tying her arm into a sling.

“Yes. I live with him.” She nodded.

“Ahhhhhhhh.” As if he had just realised something important, the doctor paused, looking around them. “Do you know where he is? I have a message for him, from a friend.”

“I’ve lost him.” Tears filling in her eyes again. Zara looked to the figure desperately.

“It’s ok.” He grinned reassuringly tapping her on the shoulder. “We’ll find him. I can find anyone!”

“I don’t understand what’s wrong!” Owen snapped, slamming down his stethoscope and looking back to the computer monitor. Lying next to him was Zara, perfectly still, like a statue, her face relaxed yet lifeless. Next to her sat Jack, her hand clasped tightly in his. “It’s as if she’s just gone to sleep. There’s no sign of any head trauma, nothing!”

“There has to be something Owen.” Jack said blankly, his eyes fixed on his daughter, hardly blinking.

“Jack, I’m telling you, I can’t find any reason why she collapsed.” Reaching forward, he gently rested his hand on her forehead, wishing with all his might that she would be ok. They had only spent one day together, but Owen felt as if he needed her. He needed the woman that had been so alive the day before, the woman who had made him feel so alive.

Jack looked at him sternly. Neither of them had forgotten the harsh words that they had screamed before she collapsed, and is she hadn’t Jack doubted that it would never have stopped as early as it did.

“What else can we try Owen? Surely we can run more tests.” Jack demanded, turning his attention away from the concern on Owen’s face.

“I’ve done the whole procedure Jack. There are no most tests that I can do related to impromptu loss of consciousness, I don’t-”

“Then test for everything Owen.”

“But Jack, its not-”

“It’s not what? Serious? You saw her Owen, she didn’t just lose consciousness. She was burning up out there, her skin was soaked with sweat. You heard her Owen, that agonising scream.” Softening slightly, Jack saw the look on Owen’s face. He wasn’t stupid, and the young doctor would know exactly that it wasn’t an ordinary case of not eating breakfast. The truth was, Jack could see the fear in his eyes, fear of the unknown, the fear that it was serious.

“You’re right.” Owen gulped, stepping away from her. “I’ll run every test I know of. I’ll start with scanning her, take some blood, look for any anomalies in her bloodstream, then I’ll-” Owen stopped, his face crumpling, as a tear ran down his cheek. How could he feel like this after one day?

“I’m as scared as you are Owen.” Jack nodded, looking him in the eye. For the first time since Zara had arrived, they finally understood each other…

“Xavier!” Zara exclaimed, pulling away from the Doctor and running forward to the lean, blonde man in front of her. His features melting into a look of relief, Xavier stepped forward and hugged her, lifting the tiny girl of the ground. He nodded a relieved smile to the two police patrol men next to him, who smiled in return and walked off.

“Where did you go? I told you to stay with me! You’re hurt too!” He hissed, kissing the top of her head.

“I’m sorry.” Zara sniffled, keeping her arms tight around his neck. She had almost forgotten all about the Doctor.

“Ahem.” Coughing, the Doctor managed to gain both their attentions and grinned back at Xavier’s thankful face.

“You helped her I see?” He nodded, indicating towards the sling on her arm. “Thank you……errr?” He smiled, searching for a name.


“Just the Doctor?” He asked quizzically.

“Yes, nice and simple!”

“ Well thank you Doctor. I wish I could repay you.” Xavier nodded again appreciatively.

“Ahhhhh no need to thank me! I’m just here to make the world a better place!” He laughed, flashing them his dazzling white teeth. “Although, Xavier Talak? I’d like to talk to you, about something else. A message actually. But I’d prefer to do it somewhere more private.”

“Of course!” Xavier grinned, putting Zara back down onto the ground. “It’s not much, but we live only a few streets away. Please, come with us.” And whilst taking Zara’s hand in his, he began to show him the way.

It wasn’t a lot, but it was home. Or it had been for the two years that Zara had been staying with Xavier. At least she was in one place, not travelling round like she had been with her parents. Her parents, god she missed them.

Proudly striding into their house, a small hovel that appeared to have been carved out of the sandstone above it, Zara ran forward, grabbing something off one of the tables, before dashing back and shoving it into the Doctor’s hand.

“Look! Look!” She cried. As Xavier laughed, pointing to a makeshift couch made from some skin like material, the Doctor sat down, admiring the little silver object lying in his palm. “It’s a sonic chip!” Zara announced proudly.

“Indeed. You made this then?”

“Yes! All by myself Doctor!” The Doctor smiled, realising the full brilliance of the girl in front of him. As an object it was useless, simply a little disc of metal that produced sonic waves and might be able to unlock very weak locks when placed on top of them exactly. But for such a young girl to have made it, one that actually worked, the Doctor could only be impressed.

“Zara, let the poor man have a break eh?” Xavier smiled, placing two drinks down on the table by the couch. “Why don’t you go and lie down? Rest that arm?” Rubbing her head softly, he gave her a gentle nudge.

“You can keep it.” She smirked, closing the doctor’s hand around the chip. “Will you be here when I wake up?”

“Thank you.” The Doctor simply smiled, waving to her as she skipped off to her room.

“She’s perfect isn’t she?” Xavier said softly, taking a sip of the congealed blue liquid in one of the mottled cups he’d put out. “So what did you need to tell me?”

Staring through the crack in her door, Zara listened intently to their conversation, watching them as they sat awkwardly on the couch. She had no intention of going to sleep like she had been told to.

“He’s alive?” She heard Xavier gasp.

“Yes, very much so.” The Doctor breathed. “But he can’t come back.”

“Why not?”

“He didn’t want me to say. But things have become so much more complicated for him, believe me. But he wanted me to check on you, make sure that everything was ok.”

“Ok? I can hardly support us Doctor! You’ve seen the rags that Zara dressed in, you’ve seen where we live. I feel like I’m destroying his daughter, she doesn’t belong here.” Xavier sighed, looking away.

“But she does. She’s intelligent, and she loves you like you are her father. And you know what the greatest part is?” The Doctor grinned enthusiastically.


“You’re alive! Isn’t that fantastic? That’s all her father wants. He just wants her to be loved, and most importantly, he wants her to be safe. You’re a good man Xavier.”

“Thank you.” Xavier gave the Doctor a weak smile, his face looking less creased and more relaxed. “I just want to keep my promise. After all, I promised him that I’d always care for her.”

“Jack?” Behind him Jack felt Ianto’s presence. Turning round, he gave him a weak smile, before turning back to Zara, his hand still clasped around hers. It had been 5 hours now, and despite his efforts Owen hadn’t managed to bring Zara round. All that they had managed to do was to scan and test her for everything they could.

Feeling a firm hand on his shoulder, Jack slowly lifted his other hand and grasped it, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“You have to rest Jack.” Ianto soothed, squeezing his shoulder.

“Not until I know.” Jack murmured, his eyes still fixed on Zara.

“But Jack, it could be hours yet. We don’t even know that we’re going to find something. It could be nothing.”

“Does it look like nothing Ianto?!” Jack snapped angrily. There was a silence, as Ianto was caught off guard. Letting go of Jack’s shoulder, he began to back away, hurt.

“I’m sorry.” Jack mumbled, standing up and joining him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just…….I’m just so scared.”

“Hey.” Ianto breathed, catching Jack in his arms as he stepped forward. “Of course you’re scared. But you have to look after yourself Jack.” Squeezing his arms tightly around Jack, Ianto felt Jack’s hands cling to his back. Ianto gently kissed the top of his head, stroking his hair softly. He felt Jack’s chest shake next to him, as the older man released all his pent up emotion.

Above them, Owen stepped onto the walkway, looking down and watching the two men for a moment. Regretfully he coughed, waiting until Jack finally looked up at him.

“Errr Jack. I have the results of Zara’s brain scan.” He gulped. “I think you need to see them.”

jack harkness, jack/ianto, torchwood, ianto jones, fanfic, flashes from the past

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