Title: I Cry Softly Into Time - Phantoms Never Sleep
Rating: I like to swear, so 15.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Rest of the team, new group of alien nasties.
Chapters: Sequel to “Uncommon Death.”
Spoilers: Anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: When Ianto suddenly falls very ill, no one in the team can understand why. Who are the “Phantoms”? And why is Ianto living a life that was never his?
Disclaimer: Regrettably I own nothing, none of the characters, zip. Wish I did though. Title is from the Rammstein song, “Stirb Nicht Vor Mir”.
Author’s Notes: Ok, so more “Phantoms” for all you lovely people who support my writing! :D Big thanks to
2nd_toshiko , she’s such an angel, and as ever, any comments you give me are muchly appreciated! Thanks :)
Chapter One: Awakening Chapter Two: Uncommon Death Dedicated to my wonderful golden girls, who know who they are! Thanks so much for supporting me! :D
“My God Jack………..I think Ianto’s dead.”
Consumed by guilt. The concept was nothing new to Captain Jack Harkness. He was a leader, the one expected to make the tough decisions, be the bad guy that everyone else could avoid. But never had he felt like this. Never had he felt so lost, so in need of direction. Never had Captain Jack Harkness wanted to not be the one who was in charge….
His knuckles white, breath baited, Jack looked down on the autopsy bay, hands clasped so tightly around the metal bar. By his side stood Gwen and Tosh, looking on as Owen continued to work on the porcelain body that lay out on the slab in front of them.
More than a body this time.
A friend.
A lover.
Jack could feel a lump swelling in his throat, conscious of its growth every time he swallowed. His lips were parched, mouth slightly open, body sapped of moisture. His gaze rested on the relaxed features of the young Welshman, thoughts dwelling, reverting back to the past. Before all this……
“Coffee sir?” Ianto smiled, placing the striped mug down in front of the Captain. “Made just how you like it.”
“Why are you still here?”
“Your archives sir.” The younger man smiled, taking a step back from Jack’s desk. “I’m afraid I decided I had to do something about them.”
“There’s nothing wrong with them.”
“You can’t find a thing.”
“Ianto……..” The Captain breathed out, giving him an exasperated smile. “We’re a top secret organisation. I think the least of our problems is how comprehensible our archives are….”
“I don’t agree. Someone needs to give them the attention they deserve. There are so many amazing things down there.”
“Married to your job already, eh?” Jack chuckled, his tired eyes meeting with Ianto’s. “The archives can wait. Go home.”
“And what about you, sir?” The younger man ignored Jack’s dismissive wave of hand, raising an eye brow. “Where’s home for you?”
“Here.” The Captain nodded, indicating behind him to a hatch in the floor.
“And you say I’m married to my job. Seems like you’re the one who never goes home.” He smiled, eyes resting lazily on Jack’s form, a pure glint of lust appearing momentarily in the pupils. The older man watched him suddenly breathe out, shutting himself off again, closing off and backing away further. “Maybe you’re right……….I should go home.”
“Wait.” Jack was standing up, hands resting flat on his desk, voice hitting Ianto in the back. “Maybe you’re the one who’s right.”
“Sir?” Young eyes met his as the other man slowly turned round.
“Maybe I need a break.” Jack was stepping forward, approaching Ianto fast enough to show his intention, yet slow enough for Ianto to back away and leave. He didn’t.
“I’m not sure about what you mean.” He said anxiously, voice almost visibly quivering.
“You aren’t?”
“No...” The younger man’s voice remained quiet as Jack edged out his hand, letting it gently stroke the exposed skin of his neck. Blue eyes met blue, white noise surrounding them both.
“Then let me show you.” Slowly but surely, Jack leant it, pulling the Welshman into a gentle kiss, lips soft and not dominating. He felt Ianto’s neck freeze under his touch, before softening as he leant deeper and deeper into the kiss. They both knew where it was going to end, right then and there. But for different reasons entirely, each wanted it as much as the other…….
“Jack?” Owen’s voice suddenly rang in Jack’s ears, tone almost cautious as he yelled up to him. “Can we talk?” He forced him a gentle smile.
“Sure.” The Captain replied, waving away Tosh and Gwen back to their desks before descending down the steps to stand by the doctor. “What can you tell me?”
“He’s not dead.” Owen gave him a weak nod, placing some charts at Ianto’s side. “He has a weak pulse, but just like Rebecca, we’ve only got very faint brain activity.” The doctor sighed, giving Jack a gentle pat on the arm. “I still don’t know what’s causing it though.”
“How long before you can find out?”
“I don’t know. Honestly Jack I don’t…..” Owen rubbed gently at his eyes. “I’ll need to conduct some more tests on them both…..I just don’t know where to start with all of this.” His eyes locking with Jack’s, the doctor reached out, squeezing his shoulder. “I’m going to try though Jack. I promise you.”
“I know Owen.” It was the Captain’s turn to show emotion, reaching up squeezing his hand. “I know.” He forced a smile, his grip tightening. “But take a break, yeah?”
“You sure?”
Jack simply nodded, feeling the hard lump in his throat swell as he swallowed. He closed his eyes, feeling Owen’s grip drop from his shoulder, hearing his footsteps echo away from him. He breathed out, opening his eyes, stepping forward towards Ianto.
“Always the quiet one.” He breathed, hand reaching up so that he could touch the Welshman’s hand. He rested his own hand there for a moment, feeling the familiar soft skin, shutting everything out and trying to tell himself that Ianto was still there. He sighed, the faint warmth from the younger man’s skin barely comforting. “Who did this to you Ianto?” His hand brushed upwards, moving across the fabric of Ianto’s arm. “Are you there?” Jack tried to make his voice be more than a whimper as he found himself cupping Ianto’s cheek, thumb stroking at the skin. “Please……tell me your there.” Jack’s eyes were glued to Ianto’s features, face close, willing the younger man to just wake up. “I need you to be there, Ianto. Don’t let me lose you too.”
Ianto looked round him, the room so different around him, bright white walls, a fluorescent light shining high above him. He blinked hard, eyes adjusting to the light, brain reeling as he cracked into his skull.
The voice was there again, soft, gentle except this time accompanied by touch. Such a gentle touch. Such a familiar touch. Ianto groaned, his muscles straining as he pulled himself upwards, eyes almost watering from the blinding white light.
“Ianto?” The voice had a face this time. Ianto felt his jaw drop, his stomach twisting below his shirt whilst his heart pounded desperately in his chest. He reached out, cupping the face in front of him, willing it to be real.
So another cliffie, I know……. But as ever, what do you think? How is “Phantoms” shaping up so far? You know how much I appreciate your comments, so if you have the chance, please comment! :D Thank you!
Just Being Me
Click here for the next chapter, 'Ghost Of Mine'