Title: I’ll Never Drink Again - Wedding Notes Finale
Ratiing: Good for everyone though there may be swearing.
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Chapters: Sequel to “Doctors, Dances and Dedication”
Spoilers: Anything Torchwood could be hinted at.
Summary: It’s time to party with the Torchwood team, the Doctor and a whole range of companions….
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Awwww I loved that!
It was really nice! And obviously, well written, as is all your other stuff!
Glad that you loved it!!!! And thank you, I wouldn't agree with all my other stuff though :P
love the user pic btw :)
Also, I look forward to the new series.
AND TO CLOSE this one, I think we need a ftw dance. Care to join me?
Thank you. :) I loved The Making Of Me.
The next series will be a little less fluffy, I'm going to attempt a plot! Haha
AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets get dancing! *does ftw dance(in style of drunk doctor) :P*
I loved it too!!!! But your userpic has just given me an idea. Jack goes on holiday maybe? :P
WOOOOO! *joins drunken dancing*
OOOH A holiday to visit mama jones? Hahah I sorta forgot about the Captain Jack Adventures...my vamp!jack muse exploded and I've been churning out it. :P It's getting dangerously long...:/
I like the idea, bear it in mind! :D I'm glad that you have managed to write though, thats the important bit! But the dangerously wrong bit is fine!!! :D
But I will get the Captain Jack Adventures up again soon! Hopefully by the weekend!
Hhahahah it's dangerously wrong as well as long. I mean the premise of Jack as a vampire? lol :P
Yay! I love his adventures in your brain so much!!!
Hey its not a bad premise, is experimental right, and he has the immortal bit! :P I bet it isnt wrong though!!!
Awwww ^^, thank you! I'm not very good at comedy/domestic!jack, so I wasn't sure how people would take it!!! :D
Hahaha well, you'll find out whether it's wrong once my beta has checked it. :P Might take her a couple of years to read though, considering it's length!
You are very good at domestic jack! Don't lie!!!
Haha poor beta's eh? I always feel for mine! I bet its brilliant! :D
I'm not lying! I swear! I just have no confidence in my writing whatsoever!
Yeah, well I'm writing it for her...I just wasn't expecting it to end up so long!!! lol! Awww shucks *blushes* I hope it is, you'll be the first to know (along with my beta) when it's done. :)
You should have confidence! You are as bad as me girlie! Your writing is amazing!!!
Awwww tthats nice. I will definitely read it when I find out! :D
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