Wasn't there a movie called snow day

Jan 05, 2005 19:37

People stop taking those gay fucking surveys and putting them in your profile.. no one gives a shit honestly. I've done a few in my time but am ashamed after each one. I am so tired of those things that keep showing up out of nowhere. Okay anyways.. i took that one asshole survey cause i figured i should considering the username of my LJ has asshole in it. Turns out im a dick.. oh well life goes on. No school today which is good because all my lame classes were today. Math Spanish Anatomy and now Acting 1. Acting 1 is a huge improvement on design though. I haven't even taken the class yet and know it will be. My lunches switched for gold day's which is cool cause that lunch was lame. Here is a brief summary on my new classes.

Acting 1--- haven't taken it yet so idk why i wrote it.

Office Proctor--- It was originally graphic design but i haven't taken drawing and Mr. Udey really hates me so i had to go change my class. I am now an office proctor.. its kind of cool. I answer the phone and play games and do hw i guess. It was funny this one black lady (I assume) called three times asking about Mrs. Brendan and Drug Rehabiliation. We have a sheet of teachers and transfers and there is no mrs. brendan on the sheet. I couldnt understand anythign she said it was awkward and awesome

Psychology--- I only know one person and alot of the kids are dirty scary kids that have acne and basic cable. But Luckily Mr. Pomeroy is the worst teacher ever and doesn't give homework and all the tests are open book. I was the only person in the class to get all the questions on this survey thing he gave us. Every answer was false how hard was it to figure out. Hmm...

ICA--- This one's kind of iffy... Mrs. Hageman's one of those people whos easy to read. She was awkward in high school and always had trouble fitting in so she is much nicer to the kids who are those outcast dirty kids cause she can relate. She makes bad jokes and is so wierd. The class could be fun if she let us have more privileges and doesn't make us type gay ceramic info request's every class. The assigned seats are gay cause i sit by two empty seats and they never talk to me.. those bastards

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