Dec 29, 2005 23:36 is well life, more like it's driving me so completly insane
i found out that my favortie thing of all times is the new phantom of the opera movie, im obsessed, i just wen tout and bough tthe dvd, and im buying the special edition soudntrack, and the's quite pathetic
anyway's...i started y job today, it s fun, i have a special shirt that says staff on it and i get a whistle's quite horrid, not the job, but the concepte as to why i have the job, actually im only 17 and i already have two jobs....mainly because my faimly doesn't do debt. so for college, they wont do loans or anything, so i have to come up with half, and my parents will pay for half, thus limiting my choices severly...
as of right now, life is starting to suck,like a really really bad vacume( we all know i can't spell) i love my new job, but im worried that i'll get to stressed, i have so many resposibilities for dance(lead, solo, class, shirts, costumes,music), and then i have a nother job, then i have college crap, and im strating to feel really lonly( lame right),but honeslty im so sick and tired of having to do everything, bymyself,im sick of my lack of friends, im sick of all my friends getting guys(or girls) and it's not that im not happy for them, i am, bu ti wanna be happy formyself, and i wish they could all see how beatiful they are, and when they don't think so i want beat the worthless piece of shit, who made them think otherwise, into a bloody pulp, i wish that i could stop feelin gliek shit all the time, an dlookin glike it, ...oh well... and you know what...i wish, not really wish, what i want is life to slow down just for a while, so i can enjoy my senior year, oh well it's always been like this, who the fuck am i to think it's gonna change at all,