I wish I had an angel

May 01, 2008 15:50

((Not a post for spiral_rpg))

Cloud gazes into the fire, mind drifting and settling on no one thing. It's what he prefers, not having to think too deeply on issues weighing heavily on him. He didn't think it'd last, really, not even during those last moments Aerith and Zack had turned and left him, leaving him with a warm feeling that he wasn't, isn't alone anymore.

That's right, Cloud. You're not alone.

Cloud shivers, an echo of the words he'd heard that day in Aerith's church coming to him.

And that's the problem, isn't it? He's not alone, not anymore.

Silver-haired sightings during his deliveries has put Cloud more on edge than ever. At first, he assumes it's another clone, one lone straggler that never makes it to either Reunion. As the sightings grow more common and less clone-like, Cloud grows more flustered and paranoid, his newly arranged life starting to fall around him. Snapping at the kids caused Tifa to sternly tell him to take a trip and cool down. And he knows, after all they've been through, the kids didn't deserve his misguided anger. He fears leading Sephiroth to those he loves, is worried that the man will snatch Denzel or Marlene, or even Tifa as pawns in his power game to break Cloud again.

He wouldn't die from that; he's too stubborn to just give in- but it's a fair bet that he wouldn't recover from that blow. And Cloud fears Sephiroth knows that.

He stares into the fire and tries not to think those thoughts, tries to recall Aerith's gentle smile and Zack's easy ruffling, remembers Marlene's enthusiasm and Denzel's smile.

He just...drifts.


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