(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 22:52

Oh my... I see fanfiction and I wonder why I read it, then something amusing like this comes along.

Phibbrizzo... a sailor scout...really. I should have thought of that~ I do hope he's rolling in his grave!

Slayers Crazy!
by: Shinigamikaitou
cracks Knuckles*
Knuckles: OUCH! Sonic she cracked me again...


"Look,Xellos,I really don't know why you hang out with that Phibby kid...He's creepy and psycho and seems like he wants to destroy everything!" a red head girl said with a shudder.
The purple haired boy turned to his schoolmate and grinned.
"But I LIKE psycho, destructive people,Lina-san...why else would I hang out with y...ow!" He finished as Lina punched him.
She walked off mumbling to herself about baka fruitcakes, Xellos blew a raspberry at her and sauntered off grinning. He paused as a voice came from above him "She's right you know..." a short kid with blue hair and green eyes hung upside down from a hanging light. Xellos grinned and greeted his young lover with a kiss and purred when the boy bit his lip. Xellos tilted his head to the side with a close-eyed grin;
"What was she right about?" Phibrizzo unhooked his legs from the light and fell,twisting like a cat to land lightly on the ground.
"I am creepy" The green eyed boy said with a grin "I AM psychotic and out to destroy the world"
Xellos tapped him on the nose with a wide grin
"And you love every minute of it don't you Phibby-chan!" His boyfriend sighed.
"Don't call me Phibby-chan! and anyway, don't we have work to do!"
Xellos bounced up and down imitating a popular cartoon character "Oi, and what are we gonna do tonight Brain?"
Phibrizzo sighed,sometimes he wondered what he saw in the goofy purple haired one. Xellos was four years older then him, but acted half his age.
Xellos looked at him and opened one of his violet eyes.
"So shall we?"
Green eyes looked into a single amethyst and his breath caught at the pure evil that was concealed behind those deceptively happy features. THIS was why he stayed with Xellos. This...and more.
The two walked out of the school to find a dark place to change. It would do no good for them to be recognised anywhere after all. Xellos paused in front of a tv shop where the news was playing.

" ...And no word on the two world class terrorists calling themselves Hellmaster and the Trickster Priest. They should be considered armed with strange weapons and extremely dangerous. They are wanted for a list of crimes including murder,torture,genocide,mass destruction on a dynamic level,pantsing the president during a speech and basic mayhem. if you spot them, I repeat,make no move and get away as soon as possible."
Xellos smiled evilly and caught up to Phibrizzo wrapping his arms around the diminutive blunette.
"Did you hear that,Hellmaster-sama...it seems we are world class criminals now" He nipped Phibrizzos ear and skipped away singing
" Everyone shalalala lala"

Phibrizzo shook his head again. Xellos was a living contradiction that was for sure. He reveled in peoples pain,but still goofed around and went to high-school.There was no hint that he was set to destroy the world in any way possible.

The two reached a dark alleyway and Xellos turned to Phibrizzo,grinning in anticipation,eyes half open showing the evil light behind closed lids.Phibrizzos green eyes widened as his face took on a manic grin. It was time to cause more pain and mayhem...yes and destroy those brats that stood in the way of his sweet world destruction. Phibrizzo began to cackle as he pulled what looked like a small pen from his jeans pocket, Xellos pulled a similar one from his school uniform and held it up.
Phibrizzo posed like a ballerina and giggled insanely as he spoke "Hell power MAKE UP!"
Xellos watched as Phibbrizos clothes dissolved into dark tendrels and reformed into a spandex bodysuit with a sideways sash on it.
Xellos held his pen into the air and grinned "Fruitcake power make up!"
His clothes melted from his body and he danced naked until he heard Phibrizzos voice.
"Xellos...as much as i'm enjoying the view, we have people to torture and a world to destroy!"
Xellos sighed and let the transformation commence leaving him in a pair of black leather hotpants, a yellow silk shirt and a cape with red and gold lining. his pen had turned into a staff with a blood red jewel topping it. The two vigilantes left the alley. a woman saw them and didnt have a chance to scream as Phibrizzo shoved his hand through her chest and ripped out her heart. Xelloss sighed..
"so messy..."
and raised a finger pointing it at a line of people blowing them up. this caused mass panic and people began running and screaming. Suddenly a voice yelled
"Stop right there it is UNJUST to attack these people In the name of SEYRUUN I WILL PUNISH YOU!!"
Xellos and Phibrizzo raised their hands simultaniously and blew up the black haired girl who seemed to be wearing a sailor fuku. The redhead who had been standing beside her looked at them and said.
"Hey, you guys aren't gonna destroy the world today are you? cause if not I'm going to get something to eat..." the blonde transvestite in odangos next to her nodded and the strange blue skinned man in a tux simply disappeared with a long suffering sigh. Xellos called back, "Well we're not quite ready yet, you know evil insane plans take time and all that! ^_^" The girl and boy left and waved. Xellos waved back with a smile before returning to causeing chaos and destruction with his little green eyed lover.

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