Mar 08, 2016 02:33
Haunts always return. You can't sweep them under the rug and pretend they don't exist. No, no. That's what leads one to the state I find myself in, even now.
The edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is, and how it feels, are the ones who have gone over.
Some days I feel like there should be a countdown. A ticking, even, synchronized with the bomb that is myself.
I revel in it. I also loathe it. I treasure it. Yet, I fear myself.
I can be reasoned with, though. I have rational thought.
They may soon see that which is worse than me.
I did give warning. Heed it.
I hold no responsibility over my own actions, or for what relapses from this point, onward.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence- whether much that is glorious- whether all that is profound- does not spring from disease of thought- from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
― Edgar Allan Poe