(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 17:59

So, I got the new journal, but Im too lazy to do it. sorry. anyways: just got back from sports med. It was kinda booring today, except I really like hangin out with Jamie. She's going to bring me home an application tonight. Im waiting for Andrew to call: he was at his interview for Target. Im so glad they called him back! :) I am so hot my house is roasting, but...oh yes... lol... my dad just turned on the a/c. so::::: i have a ginormous mosquito bite on my cheek. lol. its been there for like a week and now its a scab, b/c at first i thought it was a zit (gosh i hate that word!) but then it was itchy and i realized that, "hey- its a skeeto bite!" and now it hurts really bad and people stare at me like im a freak or somthing. haha. school is going good as well as sports med, but i have to fork over money for everything right now... it sucks. i have to pay like 100 by the end of the month then i have to get money for campo and all this crap. it sucks. i dont have enough money to do all this. anyways: im gonna go. i need to go take some advil

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