Apr 14, 2004 14:57
now today im going to talk about a certain subject rather than tell people about my day ... (hopeful;y uyou will find this more interesting lol)
for the past few days i have been thinking about this. what does it mean when someone is talking about you ( in a negative way )?!?!?! ... i mean what if some one you NEVER talk to says somethign about you to one of your friends, brothers, or sisters?!?!?
i think thier could be to diff. reasons for someone to say something about another person. 1). i would frsit think that if someone is talking about you they must make a point to see what you are doing during a normal day, because people do normaly coment on how some one dresses or looks (i.e. hair, makeup , etc. ) . now why would someone does this if there goign to same somethign negative about you?? ... i would think that this person is maybe jealous of you and would want something that you have that they cant get, such as a persons bf/gf. you have to consider that these people are just going to dat something negative about you . not if someone doesn't like you an wants to make fun of u or say somethign negative about you , why the hell woudl they waste thier importnat tiem on someone they dont like ????? should you be mad that they said something about you , or should you be just glad that your noticed by more people then you really think. i myself dotn care if epople say soem thing negativce about me cuz it just shows that thoses people took time out of there day to stare at me and decide what thety dont like about me. its there choice what they do with thier time not mine. 2) the other reason that u might same somethign about another persont hat is negative is that if you really dislike the person for a good reason ... for ex. this person is prone to say somethign about u almost every day for no reason. then for that reason it is totaly understandable for one to dislike the other and possible say soemthign negative torwards them , but it would be nice to talk negative about them just cause they do it to you .. us nice people should have to stoop to thoer level. we should brush our shoulders off and just think that they are the poeple that wont go far in life. *** but this dosent apply to people who are evaluating someone's preformance because they most explain how good/bad of a person or worker they are , so someone should not be affend that thier freinds had to say somethign about them to a teacher prehapes.if you arnt nagative tot hem then they will have no reason to say anything negative about you wheer it would really mattrer in trying to get a job or just tryingt o get any where in life.
well this concludes by discussion on why some one would talk negative about a another person. just remeber that any thing you say can will always coem back in ur face to haunt you. so make sure if you do choice to say somethign bad about another person make sure that the person couldnt hurt your chances of getting any where in the future.
comment if you whish .. i usually dotn rgiht like this but im giving it a shot .. so if u like what i have wrote about it or would like to give some imput .. let me know.. thanxs.. byee . Clristopher