Jun 25, 2008 08:50
I am very sad and mad about Lula.
I think the people at the place are nice good people but it was wrong the way she was handled, and killed her.
They have a fenced in outdoor area. I assumed thats where she would go outside. I didnt think to ask of she would be walked, where and how. They walked her near a very busy intersection, knowing she is scared and timid, not using her collar but a lead that every dog and dog owner knows all you have to do is back out of it, there was no grass, no nearby grassy park areas just busy street. She had no business being there!!!
Their corp claims they did nothing wrong however they have now changed their policy to harness dogs under 25 lbs, and the place I took her to is doing even more by not walking dogs at all anymore and just using the fenced in area.
I am happy these changes are happening to protect other dogs.
But Im really unhappy with Illinois law. Dogs are property like a cell phone. I spoke to several attorneys yesterday and they told me that they could actually throw a dog off a roof and then just offer to give you money for a new dog and then be done with it. If they are negligent or not, it doesnt matter...just get a new one.
Remember that dog food that was killing dogs? On average people got $65 for their loss. I mean how traumatic is it to poison your own dog and then just get money for a replacement?!?!
I cried everyday on vacation and these last few days at home has been really rough.
We went to go say goodbye to Lula on Monday. They were holding her in the freezer for me at the vet place before they cremated her. That was hard. Even though she was frozen, her fur was soft so I could pet her, hug her, and still kiss her little bulbous head.
They are putting her ashes in a box that has a place for a picture on the front. We thought we would put a close up of her face on it and put it under the sofa, where she liked to hide and peak out. She spent a lot of evenings under the sofa.
I miss her so much.
(but a good post coming up next)