
Oct 24, 2008 11:35

Claire hadn't checked Pepper's journal for a little while, things had gotten busy with work and the issues with Hank and Bruce.  It just seemed to be one thing after another and then her mom had shown up on her doorstep.  That had been a shock, to put it mildly, and there was no way she could hide any longer what had happened while the family was separated.  About how Claire had started dating Hiro and then they got married on a whim.  No doubt it was going to cause more of an issue, she would most likely need to take a couple days off and go back to California to face her dad with the truth as well.  It wasn't something that she was looking forward to because she knew there was going to be anger, disapproval, and definitely some hurt that he hadn't been there for it.  Pointing out that he had been a prisoner of the Company wasn't going to help out, she knew that and it was killing her.  She knew her mom was hurt as well.

It made it a little harder to breath as she sat down with her lap top in her bedroom, the room she shared with Hiro, and logged in to check Pepper's journal to see how the trip was.   Reading the one entry, she tilted her head a little as there was something about it that didn't quite sound like Pepper and then she saw where it was locked to a handful of people.  Including herself.  Frowning, she felt a chill roll over her as she started to read and the feeling of not being able to breath well became a feeling of not being able to breath at all.

Her lips parted in a shaky breath that she sucked in, feeling her stomach roll and twist as she swore she was going to be sick for a moment.  There had been a bomb or an explosion of sorts, Pepper had been in it and now she was in a coma.  She was crushed, a lot of damage...Tony had done something.  Claire stared at the screen in silent horror, pressing a hand to her stomach as she closed her eyes for a moment, trying just to breath.  Closing the laptop, she shut out the only source of light in the dark bedroom and she picked up the laptop to set it aside.

All she could see was the vision of Pepper crushed beneath the weight of a broken rubble and beams, covered in blood.  She imagined how Tony must have felt, seeing her.  Then she remembered Rachel and how she had looked after being in her own explosion.  It seemed to be a running theme.  Lifting a hand to her mouth, she opened her eyes as she looked around the dark room and felt her eyes begin to burn as the tears welled up.

She had just seen Pepper, joined her for lunch and talked about life.  That it was starting to go well for the both of them, that they were both with men they loved and everything seemed right with the world.  Now Pepper was hurt and Claire didn't know how badly.  It wasn't like she could get to her and give her blood, it sounded like Tony had done something but what?  What was going on with them that they couldn't just have a time of peace?  Why was it that bad stuff always had to happen to them?  One thing right after another.

There was a part of her that wanted to scream and wanted to yell.  To find whoever hurt Pepper and hurt them just as badly, if not more.  She could feel the anger building inside of her, wanting desperately to be let loose.  She wanted to cry at the same time but it was like everything inside of her had froze, she just felt numb as she sat in the dark.  So she brought her knees up, wrapping her arms around her knees as she wanted to call for Hiro or to go to her mom.  Her mom could make her feel better, she was just down the hall but Claire found that she wasn't moving.

Instead she let the dark swallow her as she sat there, closing her eyes as she laid her forehead against her knees.  The dark was a little safer at the moment, in the dark she could feel those emotions that made her wonder at times.  Made her wonder and remember a time she had driven someone into a wall.  Made her remember the urges to hurt people instead of protecting her.  In the dark, she could be angry instead of crying.  In the dark, it was a little safer for her to struggle with her humanity.  Then no one wondered because no one could see in the dark.

She would call Rachel and maybe go to see her.  Rachel was going to need her and they could wait for news on Pepper.  Once the dark was gone.

Claire Bennet
AU Verse
WC: 841

heroes: claire bennet

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