Holy moly... wear your seatbelt!

Aug 10, 2005 15:43

So after I got off of work yesterday, William came over because he had the day off, and so we decided to go out for a drive. My father, whom has the month of August off, was home, and we told him we were going to take a drive up to Reddington Pass which is northeast of Tucson. So we go through Reddington Pass alright, and everything is fine and dandy, sweet like candy.

So we get to Reddington, which is just a gathering of homes or something, not much there really. But there is a road that goes from San Manuel to Benson. It was supposed to be a state highway, but it was never completed, and a good stretch of it is really nice. So we get down the road, and the whole day we haven't seen a single car at all. Not on Reddington Pass, not on San Pedro River Rd (or Cascabel Rd. as they call it in Cochise County).

There was this mud bog in the road, and a sharp turn ahead, so we hug the side, not knowing if there was a car on the other side coming, or if there was other shit lurking around the bend. Well, the right side tires are in the mud, and they get extremely caked up, and we lose traction on the right side, the passenger side, the side I was on. Well, we start to slide and front end digs into the embankment on the side of the road.

And then the laws of physics take over. The front end "trips," as the Cochise County Sheriff's deputy put it, and we roll. The deputy says we only rolled a half a roll, but I swear we rolled one and a half, at least that's what it felt like to me. But whatever rolls it was, the Jeep landed on the roof, and thank the Lord we had our seatbelts on, or we'd be hurting A LOT. So here we are, hanging upside down in a Jeep Cherokee. I lower my legs over my head and the touch the roof, and I'm able to unbuckle myself without plopping on the roof. William's not having it so easy, and I help him get undone, and we exit the Jeep out of the back passenger door.

We're literally in the middle of nowhere, and neither of our cell phones worked (or so we thought). After a while, I decided I was going to run down the road a bit, to see how far these homes we passed were back. And I get about a half a mile, and I just try to call 911 on my cell phone. And miraculously, it went through, like Verizon Wireless linked up satelites for my phone to call. And so I'm talking to the lady at dispatch (Cochise County dispatch), and she has no clue where we're at. So she tells me to keep my phone line open because she was going to call one of her deputies, and ask them if he knew where we're at. She calls back, and they finally know where we are. So I'm walking back down the road, and I've been praying like I've never prayed before the whole time I'm walking, and I get back to the Jeep, and there's two cars stopped there, checking if we're alright. Amazing; no cars on the road the whole time, and not ten minutes after we flipped, there's two. Absolutely amazing.

So two hours or so pass, and the police finally get there. And when they got there, they acted like we did something wrong. And then finally they losened up. We found out that there was a guy masturbating on a Greyhound Bus in Bowie, and that some smart guy shot himself in the leg in Mescal. And after a while, both William's and my parents showed up (we got a hold of them on my cell phone ontop on this hill).

So we sat there, waiting for the damned tow truck from Benson Automotive to come and flip our asses over Well, come to find out, the tow truck turned around an hour and a half ago and went back because he couldn't get across this wash. So we had to flip the Jeep ourselfs. Although the tow truck not showing up saved money, it still was pretty shitty of them not to even let us know that he went back. Bastards.

So with some difficulty at the beginning, we towed the Jeep 30 miles to Benson where we stopped at a Circle K and bought about a 4 quarts of transmission fluid and 2 quarts of oil, filled it up, and the ol' girl started up, with some big plumes of smoke. And then Willy drove it home.

Moral of the story: 1) Wear your seatbelt, 2) be weary of mud while driving, and 3) get Verizon as your cell phone carrier.

For pictures, refer here: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=8217126&blogID=41073029&Mytoken=20050810145543
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