sdfjkdenhfbvdhbvdfh = fuck x 3637464776891237621278912789 +123

Sep 23, 2004 15:45


I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em.
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k. so this guy that i used to talk to all the time and i was sooooo in love with, im-ed me today, and told me that his friend was found in a field today, dead. he od'd on heroin. and i asked him if he was using anything, and he confessed to dropping acid all the time and doing e quite a bit. this floors me! seriously. wow. i can't believe it. so i told him to come out to san diego and live with me, and get clean. i want to cry. i never thought that he would do something like that. jhbfubyu... i'm under soooo much stress right now. i wish i could go out there and help him, but too much is going on with school. damn it!

i'm hanging out with paul and probably diana tonight.... maybe tattoo time?! if it is michelle also has to be there. its like a tradition... I was there for her tattoo, so she has to be there for mine.

alright. later.
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