Jul 08, 2003 11:15
Heh. Shoot me.
So at least now I don't have to pay money to the collection agency. Someone else is getting in trouble and just know it's not my ass. I felt bad though cuz I tore up the woman on the phone and was curing and don't normally lose my cool but after the past few weeks, who cares?
So um here's the latest...
* Mom is breaking up with Kevin her bf who has done like everything for us. He's lived with us for like 2 yrs. She's not sure when but she is doing it she said.
* My dog is perfectly fine acting. However her hair is all falling out... Like as in she is getting bald spots and you can litterally pull chunks out. Mind you she's a 9 yr old golden retriever. So appointment is at 4 something.
* Last, but the kicker, is I was driving a friend home last night. He was drunk and reeked of alcohol. I was driving him home being the
at 3 AM and was in the back roads and ran a single stop sign. Of course there was a cop and i got pulled over. He ask me how much i had to drink and I tell him none and point to my friend who was 21 so it was ok and the cop ask me if I had any and i tell him he can even check if he wnats cuz I honestly didnt have one sip. Anyways, he comes back and gives me liek a $96 ticket and 3 points to my license and says i can take the class.
Get this! then he gets into this like Superman pose and looks off into the distance, and is like "Well i just want you to know you're doing the right thing by being designated driver. I always tell people when i have to give DUI's that it'd have been cheaper for them to call a cab." (as he continues to look off and into the sky.) I wish somethign would have flown down and hit him in the head right then and there. I was so upset. My friend offered to pay the ticket but I couldn't take their money.*SHIT* I can't afford to pay for the ticket and the class and move to Orlando.
So as I said. Ain't life swell....