Nov 03, 2004 10:00
Yesterday I voted for John Kerry And then the Yankees won the World Series, And pigs flew, And I won the lottery and cheese suddenly became good for you and Rowan went ivy league, and Barney started smoking crack with the kids on Sesame Street.
And just in case you didn't get that, all those statements are false.
presidential elections... ruining friendships since 1789
All day at work everyone was asking "who did you vote for?" and the like. Asking people who they voted for is about as tactful as asking them what kind of underwear they are wearing or even better, asking them about their bowel movements. And though some people do this on a daily basis, if one went up to a stranger and said, "what color is your underwear today?" or "Did you have diarhea this morning?", someone is bound to get punched in the face or kicked in the crotch or both really fast, like in a Jackie Chan movie. (PS- The Tuxedo sucked).
Scenario 1:
customer: who did you vote for?
me: is this going to affect my tip?
Scenario 2: lady at work
"I voted for [insert douchebag's name here] because my cousin voted for him."
What a valid reason!! Does your cousin chew tobacco and have sex with you... at the same time?
Scenario 3:
Girl at the bar: "Did you see Fahrenheit 911?"
Me: "Did you see Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?"
and the band played on...
I would just like to add to this entry, on a more serious note, that I am very disappointed in the way people have been acting, and this has been going on for a while, not just yesterday and today. The rants and posts made in livejournal and other outlets of the online world have been so pathetic and narrow-minded it's sad. Despite who anyone voted for, we were each given a decision to make on our own, and to be practically crucified by people who disagree with you is unfair and childish. For the most part, the closed-mindedness has been coming from Kerry supporters and the Bush supporters for the most part have been much more open minded and not jumping down people's throats that voted for Kerry, and I have taken note of this for a long time now. If someone said something good about Bush in the presence of a Kerry supporter all hell breaks loose. "I can't believe you're a Bush supporter! I can't talk to you." Uhhh great. I am not saying that all Kerry supporters have been like this. But I am honestly saying that the people that have been ramming bullshit rants about "facts" that are being pulled out of asses not known to God's man have been coming from a majority of Kerry voters. I have been open-minded during this entire race, and I have educated myself not by being one-sided and believing everything I read in a liberal magazine or a conservative newspaper. Learn about the straight fact. PS- If Kerry got elected the war would not have ended, just to state a fact. I don't know whose idiot ass this misconception sprung out of, and also Kerry is the one that was for enlisting a draft. You think the war just ends because a new president comes around? Stop being ignorant please. You're stupidity is making me sick. Also, to those of you who pointed fingers saying people that voted for Bush should be the ones going to war, all I have to say is how fucking dare you. You honestly should be ashamed of yourselves. I have people going there that I care about too for your information, and just so you know, they all voted for Bush, by the way. Being labeled and having judgments passed on my character and intelligence based on a decision I had every right to make, and one that I have reasons and justifications for making, really makes me feel sorry for the people out there that are too thickheaded to see the hypocrisy of their words and disgracefulness they have let themselves become. In the end, it was a great race, and I was anxious to see the outcome. I just prayed that whoever won would do their best to help us during this time of great need and dividedness in our country. I HAVE NOT BAD-MOUTHED A SINGLE PERSON FOR A VOTE THEY HAVE MADE! I have not tried to influence anyone to swing one way or the other. And most importantly, I have not butted into other people's personal choices and then criticized them based on what they feel. And this is probably most miraculous on my part, as many of you know, because I always say what is on my mind and I am usually very sarcastic and controversial. The two things I stay away from are religion and politics, and hopefully some of you will learn to do the same or at least not be so pompous and arrogant as to say the people that voted one way over another are "fucking idiots" and act as though you are superior. Grow up and learn not to be so fucking slanted and maybe also try to learn how to not hurt other people that consider your friendship something of value. YOU MAY BE OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE, BUT YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY NOT MATURE ENOUGH!!
time for eggo waffles... toasted to a golden brown crispiness.