survey thingy

Jul 30, 2004 00:01

current clothing:tshirt and shorts current mood:so so current taste:spit! current hair:ponytail current annoyance:headache current smell:.... the air! current thing you ought to be doing:sleeping? current jewelry:none current book:haven't been reading books current refreshment:notta current worry:umm... i dunno current crush:Artie current favorite celebrity:-shrug- current longing:to be w/ someone special current music:Burn- usher current wish:to live happily ever after current lyric in your head:Burn - Usher current makeup (if you're a girl!):natural current undergarments:underwear - black thong current regret:past relationships current desktop picture:solid blue current plans for tonight/weekend:hang w/ dad.. hopefully artie too current cuss word du jour:fuck current disappointment:not being able to steal the car current amusement:this thing current IM/person you're talking to:artie, lauren, kelsey current love:Artie current obsession:...hehe current avoidance:my brother current thing or things on your wall:a couple of pics current favorite book: -------- current favorite movie: --------
currents!@*&!*@&^& brought to you by BZOINK!
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