more myspace gayness

Jan 29, 2007 16:24

I dug this one up!
Current mood: sleepy
Category: Blogging

Okay top 10 things I am looking forward to when i am not pregnant anymore:
10. Sleeping on my Stomach!
9. Painting my Own Tonails!
8. Walking without a waddle
7. Enjoying some of that wine J got on vaction
6. Enjoying the Big O with NO CONTRACTIONS!
5. Shopping for clothes I can wear for more than three months!
4. Losing weight
3. Being able to lay down with no heartburn
2. NOt having to nap three hunderd times a day!
1. Getting to spend time with J and our Son together!

okay lets see here
10. Yessss!
9. I got a pedi right before baby came soooo I will as soon as it is time
8. Yes and I love it...
7. We had one bottle so far...
6. Not yet still have to wait a little bit... I know TMI!
5. Aside from some nursing clothes
4. Haha about 15lbs already... I only gained 14 total
3. Nope... It's not as bad but it never goes away!'
2. Yeah I still have to nap... but now it is 600 times a day. When the baby sleeps I sleep.
1. and of course! And let me tell you... It's amazing!
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