Welcome to our first Kink Meme!
Rules and Info
- Only KINK prompts are allowed in this post.
- Each prompt must be related to Jess/Becker in some way.
- RPF (Ben/Ruth) is welcome. Put [RPF] before RPF prompts.
- You may prompt as many prompts as you can come up with.
- You may respond to as many prompts as you like.
- You may respond to a prompt that already has a response.
- You may response with art or fiction.
- Post your responses as a reply to the prompt you are filling.
- You may post your response in your own journal. If you do, please post the link to your entry as a reply to the prompt you are filling.
- Please include in your response title, rating and any spoiler warnings in the subject line.
- You do NOT need to be a member to participate in prompting or responding.
- You can include any other characters or pairings in your responses as long as Jess/Becker is the main focus.
- All fills will be collected in the Fill List.
Round 1 of the kink meme will be open until 19th August or we reach 50 pages.
Kinks |
Spice Fill List |
Sugar Post