I'm stuck in the Union for another twenty minutes (still working on Jeff;s website
http://www.terrapist.com/jeff/ )so I'm going to try to use this again. Below (the cut) are some pictures from the Everglades, which reminds me of Spring Break:
Music: Today the my philosophy of Spinoza professor went on this rant about the Spinozistic (if snakes could speak...) slave of duty, who is (naturally) Frederick from the Pirates of Penzance. If you want to see some of our performance of that musical (from about six years ago!) go to
http://www.wam.umd.edu/~jsensene/ In Miami I got to see lots of Music. Brian's ahhhh, I saw a very professional junior recital, and I watched Amadeus for the first time.
The weather was sunny and warm in Miami, and Elspeth was a lot of fun. I think I'll now need to go to Paris to compare food; Miami had some surprisingly good restaurants. On the last day we went to Everglades National Park, for more photos you can go to
http://www.terrapist.com/photo/ I spent a lot of time in the library, and even more outside.
Whoops, I don't know how to cut.