The Game, third batch

Apr 19, 2010 00:16

Slowly going through the pile...

Note: The name ‘Diana’ for fem!Dino was used first by electricsong and galuxkitty in their fics. As for Cavallone Primo, lol, Enzo Ferrari is the founder of Scuderia Ferrari and also the father of Dino Ferrari, so I think it’s only apt xD

articflame: 10 switches bodies with 8 and scares the living daylights out of 5 (Kusakabe, Hibari, TYL!Hibari)


Hibari looked up sharply; the tone was familiar but the voice was not. And everyone knew better than to set a foot in his domain without permission unless they wanted to die. In a humiliatingly painful way. And yet-

Even a pair of raised eyebrows from Hibari Kyouya would not have been a sufficient reaction before this spectacle of his younger self prostrating himself in front of him, a distressed expression on his face. Hibari had barely digested the utter impossibility of this scene when Tetsu stomped in.

Stomped. In.

“Ask the baby,” he said with a scowl.

No, Hibari decided, he would rather kill than ask.


fillia_lucis: 4 and 6 is about to get married, 7 came to 6's rescue while 2 already kicked 4 out of the stage (Romario, fem!Dino, Alaude, Cavallone Primo)

“-and no, I shall not approve a matrimony so wrought in despair and lies, even under the pretext of heirs for your Family. And if that stupid successor of mine is too much of a coward to make the first move, you will be the man and tie him down with your whip and make him listen.”

Diana could only gape at the pale-haired man who had kidnapped her from her own wedding. “You,” she began after an uncertain pause, “believe in love?”

He scoffed. “I believe a mistake done twice makes you a moron.”

She glanced at the black-haired man waiting by the car and smiled. “I see.”


tragicallyditch: 1 and 8, braiding hair in a bathtub wearing tight black leather pants (Dino, Hibari)

He blamed the summer heat.

Or the hot mouth behind his ear, the slick tongue trailing wetly across soft skin, down the bared length of his neck and the slope of his right shoulder, slow, teasing. Far-from-clumsy fingers were playing innocently with his damp hair, making tiny braids that hung loose against Hibari’s nape

The water rippled as he shifted; he could feel Cavallone’s hardness pressing against his ass, under those tight leather pants, and the feeling made him gasped silently, digging his nails into bended knees.

A demand. “Cavallone…”

“Patience, Kyouya,” the answering voice was just as rough and lust-laced as his, but controlled still. “This once, we’ll take our time and enjoy every step of the way.”

He growled low in his throat, frustrated as Dino’s hands left those stupid braids and once more sank underwater. He closed his eyes at delicate, little touches across the plane of his stomach, against his naked thighs, and struggled, struggled very much not to react.

Three seconds later, he decided to take matters into his own hand and finally jump his former tutor. If Dino was at all surprised, then his grin did a very good job covering it (or Hibari just didn’t care anymore).


spiritdream: 5/8 pirate AU! with 7 as their ultimate enemy and 2 a was a marine general trying to catch them all. (TYL!Hibari/Hibari, Alaude, Cavallone Primo)

In civilian clothes, Enzo Cavallone was as bit a handsome, ordinary gentleman as the next, not a naval officer in service of His Majesty the King, and certainly not the feared ‘Lord of the Seven Seas’-as his subordinates willingly named him during free talks in taverns and alehouses. In a private room at one of the most lavish restaurants in Firenze, he looked no different from many other gentlemen looking forward to a good dinner with a friend. His words, however-not to mention the identity of his ‘friend’-clearly had a different story to tell.

“They’re nigh uncatchable,” Cavallone was saying, smiling as he added, “and so are you, for that matter. But to defeat a common enemy, I am willing to push aside our differences until such a time in the future where you and I may once more freely battle each other without care of outside interference. For now, what say you, friend?”

Alaude touched neither the food nor the wine, his eyes fixed on those of his rival’s. He knew what this man was capable of, including the craftiest of strategies to pursue his own end and the necessary skill to carry them out. It was also a fact, however, that they had a common enemy, one-or two, in this matter-whom they wished to see eliminated from the board as quickly as possible. These new pirates were annoying, sometimes maddening, but none was as maddening as those two.

“An unusual proposal, Cavallone,” he said at last, noncommittal.

“I know my priorities,” his rival replied. “You are a valuable opponent, Alaude, but we cannot continue our game as long as they remain out there. Not in the way we used to.”

He raised a pair of disinterested eyebrows. “And why would I wish to continue our game, as you put it?”

The black-haired man smiled. “Because you are you and I am me, and we are fated to dance with each other until the end.”


“Destined,” Enzo told him, smile widening into a grin, and raised his glass.

I totally need some more Cavallone Primo/Alaude icons, and probably fem!Dino too... /goes in a search

pairing: cavallone primo/alaude, pairing: others, pairing: d18, fandom: khr, !drabbles

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