Jun 27, 2005 11:03

its been a while since ive updated. nothin really has been goin on. this summer has been amaizing. ive spent most of it wiht my wonderful boyfriend! and i love him more then anything! and im gonna say it again...PEOPLE NEED TO STOP TALK'N SHIT ABOUT ME AND JUSTIN! CAUSE NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY IT DOESNT CHANGE ANYTHING! SO YOU CAN STOP TALK'N SHIT ABOUT MY LIFE AND WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN! I KNOW THAT YOUR JEALOUS THAT IM WITH HIM AND YOUR NOT BUT HONESTLY DO YOU EVER THINK HE WOULD GO FOR YOU. that was directed toward one person and i think she can figure it out!

so anyway i leave tomarrow for nationals in VEGAS! im so excited! wisht me and all my girls in BCDC senior company GOOD LUCK! i will have my phone with me if you miss me to much and you need to talk to me just call. ill miss everyone! but ill miss my baby most of all! ill be back on sunday at 1 in the frick'n morning. but i wont really bee hom til monday cause were go'n right from the airport to my grandmas house and let me just mention the she lives in BFE! seriously its the middle of nowhere! but it will be fun cause justins come'n with me!

well im off to go pack! ill talk to ya when i get back! love ya!
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