Feb 20, 2005 00:39

tonight was so much fun! CHELLE and chuck picked me up and we went to the mall for a little bit. we saw DEVIN while we were there! i miss him so much! and we saw CHRIS...i miss him to! it was fun. then we were gonna go bowling but we got there and it was really busy so we decided not to. so we went to go play in K MART! and we saw AMANDA work'n and some really hot kid that we work'n at the register. then we decided to go to the movies to see hitch. so i called ALLAN to see if he wanted to come with us. so we went to pick him up. when we got to the movies KELLEN called me and was like "turn around" and it scared the pee out of me! yea. and we saw RYAN, KAYSO(i miss her), and ANNA(i miss her to)! it was fun! and let me tell you that hitch is probably the cutiest movie ever. i loved it! every guy should go see it and learn from it! i highly recommend it! anyway the whole time we were in the car we played "PADIDDLE(sp?)" omfg it was so much fun! i deff. got about 11 padiddles. yea im sweet at that game! it was so much fun! well i have no clue what im do'n tomarrow...after i do my awesome homework! BOO! then its back to school! BOO! this break went by way to fast! well im out!


o were supposed to get "rain, freezing rain and snow during the evening, then a chance of rain or freezing rain after midnight. additional snow accumulations around an inch possible, for a storm total of 4 to 6 inches." on SUNDAY night! hmm im not gonna jinx it but im just say'n we MAYBE, hopefully, MIGHT NOT have school on monday...??
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