30th [video]

Jul 09, 2010 22:28

[So, everyone is out finding neato crystals, huh? ... Yeah, he was paying attention to the frequencies, don't worry about that. He's just found his own neato crystal hanging around his house now!

And after much distant observation and prodding, he's finally picked the silly thing up and-

The crystal flickers. Above a war ravaged land, a huge cluster of dragons circle overhead, the golden sheen almost blinding. Below them, between the earth and sky, a magically supported patch of land barely hangs on, only just managing to support the weight of the caped figure standing on it. ... Doesn't he seem familiar?

One hand raises as the dragons swarm and then dive, the roar from the mass a thunderous symphony with the flap of powerful wings creating winds that, under any other circumstance, should have swept that single humanoid figure away. And yet... With one, almost casual swipe of his hand, thin band of light crosses the mass of dragons... And it's over. The roar turns to agonized beastly screams as all in one second, that whole airborne army is swept away, reduced to ash.

The crystal fades out... and it's holder almost appears... thoughtful]

... So does it play anything else?

[[ooc:Starting at 4:25~. And yes, people will easily be able to tell it's Xellos slinging spells here]]

trololololol, haha filia, not ever sorry, whoops, chip event, well now, dragon slayer

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