27th [Action for just about anyone around town]

Jul 03, 2010 06:25

[Well now.

A while back there was a death cloud. And today there is a...

.... Cone? Six feet tall and a good three feet or so wide, it doesn't seem to be doing very much. Well, that's not true, it's certainly moving around quite a bit. The odd black shape flits from one side of the street to another, occasionally flickering out of visibility entirely to appear further down the road, as if it's inspecting things. It's not alone either.

Orbiting the thing currently are two much, much smaller cones, with a third occasionally appearing, only to dart out and vanish five feet away. Any light that hits the strange shape is seemingly eaten, the strange thing like a single section of space neatly chopped out of the area.

It doesn't appear to like pausing, almost always in constant motion.]

[[ooc: Yes, Xellos is in the second day of his chip event. He'll be anywhere he wants to be in the city, so if you want to react to him, all you have to do is go outside. He won't attack unless attacked and he won't talk to you unless you KNOW who it is and address him by name. The animals will start getting a touch antsy today as well]]

weird as hell, fucking chip, wtf is this, party hat of the deep ones, cone, chip event

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