fifth lesson

Jun 06, 2011 22:17

[Phone A]

[A distinctly male voice comes onto the phone lines. Oh wait, it's Ranma, so that solves that mystery.]

So you guys're done killin' each other now? Jeez, what an ordeal that was. I'm a little surprised to see that everything's back to normal, but what the hell do I know? I'm a tourist here, as far as I'm concerned. Just as long as I'm not goin' out of my mind or bein' forced to kill anyone, I'm fine with it bein' back to how it was.

Gotta say though. I can't decide if bein' here is worse than bein' back home. It feels weird not bein' punched or kicked or havin' things thrown at me or... actually, yeah. I think I like it here a bit more, even if I'm surrounded by murderous idiots.


[Ranma's out for a stroll! There isn't much to watch out for now that no one's out for blood as far as he knows, so he decides to take in the sights again, just walking along the sidewalk. A voice calls out to him from one of the houses.]

Hey, Ranma! Out for a walk, huh? [Ranma's a bit startled by the sudden appearance of the drone watering his lawn, but! Whatever. He just chooses to ignore him.]

I'm surprised that you're not at baseball practice, kiddo! It's good that a growing boy like yourself's so active, so keep it up. [As creepy as it sounds. Ranma can't take much more of those things. His quick get away is foiled by a mishap (?) with the drone's garden hose, spraying the young man with a nice stream of cold water.

Leading to this.]

W...What the hell?! What's goin' on here?! I didn't even do anythin', why would they-- [Her surprise is cut off by the same drone from before, calling out to her.]

Hey, Ranma! Out for a walk, huh? I would have thought you'd be practicing your cheerleading moves for the baseball team! Those boys need your support in order to beat Westport, like they always do. [With a chuckle, the drone goes back to watering his lawn. And Ranma runs off, furious and screaming to herself.]

They really gave it back to me! No no no no no no! This is stupid! I don't want it back!

[Phone B]

[A distinctly female voice comes on the line, from the same house that Ranma had called from earlier.]

I take it back. This place is definitely worse. [You can almost hear the irritation dripping from her voice.]
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