Dec 10, 2004 16:37
There are some things on websites that annoy the hell out of me. I don't want to cause any drama or anything but these things just need to be said and nobody reads my livejournal (or anything I write) anyway.
1. Stop saying that you don't have time to update your blog/site because: school started, christmas is coming up, you have loads of things to do in the summer vacation etc. Every time I go to a website they always have a new excuse to not update the domain. Just say that you're lazy. I do that and it works for me.
2. Stop making stupid profiles. For example:
Hair: black
Eye color: red-brownish with yellow and if you look really closely you can see some purple stars in it with some greenish glow.
Skin color: I'm very pale, some people mistake me for a ghost or a vampire.
Ears: I have very pointy ears. Everybody mistakes me for an elf.
You don't have eyes with zillion colors in them and nobody thinks that you're a ghost, a vampire or an elf.
3. If your father's mother's brother's cousin's friend's uncle is born in Japan then that doesn't mean that you're Japanese.
4. Stop bragging about that you have read lord of the rings a zillion years before the movie. Stop telling everybody that you have spoken elvish way before lord of the rings became a hype. Stop making some kind of elite club and look down on people who discovered lord of the rings when the movie came out.
*sigh* I just needed to write down those things.